Bump This Thread If You Purchased Renoise

Registered at 1.8 and still using 1.91. No need for anything more. :D

bought it today, after reading about the new release, it sealed the deal as well as a great session of the demo last night on my laptop running planetCCRMA linux distro and using the linux effects included in planet.

renoise just starts to make sense the more and more i use it, going to dive into it now,
excited to try the new features.


although, donā€™t have access to new beta. itā€™s still nagging for upgradeā€¦


edit: ok, working like a charm, I was just too impatient :D

cheers, cAMEL

I have joined the Renoise-Movement with the advent of Renoise 2.0 on January 21th 2009.

Bought Renoise 1.8 on the May 16th 2007.

Upgraded my 1.2 license as soon as I heard about 2.5.

And damn 2.5 kicks ass!

bought likeā€¦ 2 minutes ago :D

Bought it once in 2006 and bought it again just a couple days ago :D

bought on version 1.9

best buy ever!


Brought Renoise 2.1. It was fun until my pc crashed. Now its back to the drawing board.

renewed my license too!

Renoise! GO!

I just renewed my licenceā€¦


took you 3 years to buy :panic:

haha, i jkā€¦ were you a proper tracker then? only trading in .rns files?? B)

Bought it in January 2006 because it was pretty cheap and I wanted to render a little song I had made on the demo. I just reupped last weekā€¦ itā€™s still pretty darn cheap.

Bump. New user - purchased 2.5 license last night, was up until 4 AM lost in the flow (erm, oopsā€¦thatā€™s NIā€™s slogan but you get my drift).

boinkā€¦but i gotta renew my license at 2.6. bought it 4 years ago at 1.5ā€¦amazing what you can get for about 75USD these days.

bump! had to renew my licence, but I count this as purchase.

Bought 1.9 11th December 2007