First of all, great song! I really dig the atmosphere you’ve created here. I love the chords and the interaction with the pianos and bass. Well done. You can make it even better by improving the mix.
- Decrease the attack of the bass from the very beginning to get rid of those annoying clicks
- Increase the volume of the bass
- Decrease the volume of the hat, which is way too loud
- Slightly decrease the volume of the main piano and the lead
- Slightly increase the volume of the soft piano (the one playing the high notes)
- Increase the volume of the background stuff just like the soft percussions and the synths
- The kick would benefit from a little more punch and volume
- Personally I would increase the crisp of the reverbed stick a little more, just push the high ends slightly
If you want to improve your mixing skills check the mixing thread. I’m glad @slujr started this thread, this way I can always just point to this thread if someone asks anything about mixing and mastering instead of repeating advices. What I can always say is to just mix in mono first, that’s the easiest way getting a good result.