Choosing An Artist Name

The Red Mandible - Implication of performing cunnilingus on a menstruating woman.

Red = Blood. Mandible=Jaw. Dig?

Big Scissor - It sounds like a fake rapper name, which is exactly what I was going for.

Ok. No one knows me. I totally needed to reply to this.

Rubberdonkey. End of story.

Why don’t you use just GENFU? don’t you like it? :P

DJ Cool? :P

You could always go for DJ Quetzalcoatl…

How about Captain Copulation

DJ please dont hurt me?

My name is from a killing machine once lived in the USA.
He collected Eyeballs from his victims.
That referes a little bit to my eyeballs witch are always looking opposite ways :P
and Dj crosseye was a bit too cheesy.

After a few misspellings it became Charly Linch.
Because of the misspellings I can’t find anything of the original dude. :P

Dj makelovenotwar
or instead of Dj crytec, Dj trycrack

If you think copulation has anything to do with violence, I’m sorry for your woman ;)


My handle is DJ Conner of the sitcom Roseanne. I was paired with, at the time, DJ Tanner from the sitcom Full House. A joke about everyone being a DJ in the 90’s. My current artist name is BW which stands for Basement Wigger. My first crew was Pale Faced Devils (PFD) so that was the next logical step for me. Next itteration, if any, will be:


So, don’t bite that name. It’s reserved for me in the future.

The name is from a giant blue star that’s the seat of imperial alien power in the game Frontier, which I used to play a lot in the early 90s. It’s actually a real star that’s often called Achernar and is pretty interesting itself. It is the least spherical star in the Milky Way studied to date and spins so rapidly that its equatorial diameter is more than 50% greater than its polar diameter. It’s also the eighth-brightest star in the nighttime sky.

The real reason I chose it though is I got the idea from a band I like called Arcturus, another star, and Achenar sounds kinda Scottish. It’s got nothing to do with the character in the game Myst (who seems to dominate search results for the name), which I’ve never played.