Classical samples all-time preview section

I Strongly suggest to take it back, really miss this part:

For my personal forkflow when working with pattern-editor it is must-have, and this is basically only thing that made me suffer during 2.8 sessions.
And since you already managed to do absolutely great job on making little Instrument properties section - technically that should be possible to do with samples also.

This could be collapsable completely, so it won’t hurt anbybody that doesn’t like this feature.
This could be used to see and fastly cut/copy/paste/rearrange actual samples all the time that you work in Pattern editor or Mixer without switching and getting deep into Sampler / Plugin / MIDI section, which would speed up workflow tremendously, especially for small laptop screens.

And also there is 3 problem places at once i could describe in one screenshot here:

  1. Please take a look at browser and Samples section of sampler, this is laptop with 1600x900 and in both scenarious i can’t in any way see full samples name (i know it’s not big deal, but still, would be nice to know what’s in there) - here only thing i can suggest is make a more button for browser, that would extend browser in fullscreen or nearly fullscreen state especially horisontally. With samples section of sampler there’s not too much possible to do here sadly now i guess :( But maybe you’ll come up with some cool solution of this problem!
  2. On small laptop screens (and mine is not smallest one at all :D) there are sometimes hard cases of fine-editing waveforms in sampler, since you need to zoom here and there, and vertically there is clearly not enough space in some scenarious, even with collapsed Track scopes / Spectrum, so it would be super-handy to have something like Waveform fullscreen button!

Finally host where i put images have started to work, so now since you guys can actually see the ideas…What about it?

Attached to the samples are modulation chains, dsp chains, keyzones or you may perhaps even have a sample sliced (in which case you cannot copy/cut/rearrange at all).

In general: The sample section has been moved to the instrument area for multiple good reasons that are attached to these samples and all these attached options are not possible to make these visible on the location where you want to have the samples being made visible.
That classic location was mostly fine when Renoise did not supported keyzones, slices, modulation- and effect chains and even then, that location frankly still was a mess because the sample related properties that did exist, were nowhere near that listbox.

I could understand cutting out samples that you no longer want to use, i could even understand a birdseye view to quickly gaze what kind of samples are attached to your instrument. But i highly doubt copying/pasting and rearranging would benefit your workflow in the new situation because after copying and pasting, you will be forced in 99% of the cases to check upon linked chains and keyzones anyway
You could keep an eye on Danoise’s XRNI Merger tool though, i can see a lot of your ideas fit right in here and then you are also assisted more properly in organisational matters.

You can already stretch the internal filebrowser quite far, but there is just a limit that every kind of software that works with DirectX graphics has to apply somewhere.
I would suggest to use the “reveal in explorer” option in the browser it’s context menu, you can extend this window as wide as necessary and drag and drop to Renoise when needed.

It would be nice if the left side could be extended quite a lot further as well, but if i need to view a full sample name, hovering above the specific sample will reveal its full name in a tooltip, and if you go up and down while hovering, the tooltip automatically updates when moving across the sample slots.

If you detach the instrument window, you have a couple of bars extra space when making that dialog full-screen. But i suspect this suggestion falls in the same scope as the “tab view” discussion.

If you delve into the API a bit, it is not too hard to create dialog views to give you this extended visibilty of your samplenames. Copying and rearranging requires some deeper study but as said:Danoise is more or less already on that.

Let’s just add a full screen button for all the different parts of Renoise while we’re at it. :D


Well, in my case it is at least minimum requirement to have birdview on samples always, coz i don’t use single instrument for one sample, i use instruments as container for a loooot of samples.
So this is exactly why i still don’t use R3 in full, i don’t see crap, i need to switch just to see which sample is active now and stuff like that, in 2.8 you can at least switch to instruments box at the bottom to always see it, it’s also far away from good, since classical renoise offered it near instruments and you always can see your sample, doesn’t matter where you are, either you using pattern editor with fx chain opened at the bottom for current track, or mixer or else…

I still ask you to bring it back on classical location (doesn’t mean you should actually change anything, it’s purely optional duplicate of sample list that you see in new Instruments area)

Yes it’s all valid, and at the same time still doesn’t fall at what i wanted to offer…
To be precise, what stops you to make ‘more’ button like in Renoise 2.8?
It was perfect idea back in a day.
Hovering is nice and stuff, but it’s not very universal i guess)