I love you! I will make another Protracker3.15 theme.
Amiga rulez
I love you! I will make another Protracker3.15 theme.
Amiga rulez
a little collection of my selection:
download all
(package contains 10 themes, too lazy to screenshot all of’em )
this is just a little customization of dblue’s “dblue-rns18-003.xml” to suit my winstyle better
keith: the second one is the best around IMHO.
Well, the colors were wrong for some things in the pattern editor–fixed now… same download location.
Here are some color themes with new textures (to be put in the renoise/skins/textures folder):
“Hippie” texture in white (keith303’s color scheme)
Hippie texture in my last color scheme
Satin finish texture (a mod of my last color scheme)
Leopard print texture (keith303’s color scheme)
Stupid pink flowers & wicker
hippie texture with 60’s psychadelic color scheme (Mindbeat’s XP blue color scheme)
There’s all in:
get it here
!!!Stupid pink flowers & wicker!!!
LOL man! i think my grandmother had a dress
with that pattern back in the days 8)
what strange things you can stumble over when searching for dresses… :\
courtney having a good makeup day… or something.
I should have a marble one and a water ripples one coming soon…
i wonder how renoise will be sold to girls and women when releasing that pink theme with flowers lol…
eeek! And it´s still purple
So, has anyone else made new textures to go with their new color schemes? If so, show 'em off, even if it’s something as stupid as “stupid pink flowers & wicker”.
My favorite color schemes so far have been from Mindbeat and keith303.
after seeing yours, i immediately felt motivated to do my own since i think your textures are a fantastic addition to renoise’s skinning capabilties.
however whilst being on it, i figured how much i suck at doing textures and how hard it is to come up with a consistent look.
so thanksalot for sharing yours!
First I have to find or make a looping texture. You can make anything loop perfectly by using a somewhat simple technique–simple to do and hard to explain, but I will try:
First, open the picture and look at the size
Now, create a new picture (ctrl-n) and make the proportions double in both proportions–in this case it would be 128x128, and then go back to the old picture and select the whole picture (ctrl-a) and then go to the new one and paste.
Then move that picture over to the left upper corner.
Now go back to the original picture and flip it horizontally
Then paste it and move it to the right.
Then flip the original vertically and paste it to the lower right
Then flip the original horizontally and paste it to the lower left
Now that part is done.
You should see something similar to this in the layers panel:
Now flatten the image, making it so it isn’t multi layered.
Protracker Theme (Amiga 3.15 Crytoburners)
The original:
my version:
Tip* Also try this theme with “XP” Textures.
I just made a texture of my girlfriends face!!! Haha, this Texture stuff is ace!
I recently have updated my "Dezacrator_crystal" THEME for renoise with better coloring and a warmer feel. Here are some screens of course.
Download HERE