Dead Dog Collaboration Idea

Whoops, forgot about that one. You can unmute that without problems :lol:

Oops, sorry kazakore for all the confusion! It was meant as a joke about my laziness – I preferred to download again from your mediafire link, instead of simply renaming the file I already had downloaded from td6d’s webspace.

Ok, unmuted. I’m rendering it right now, so I can listen to it wherever I go for the next couple of days. :)

Here’s the latest version:

As noone except td6d contributed anything since my last turn, there wasn’t really much I wanted to change this time. So I did some minor tweaking, not adding any patterns at all.

Thanks kazakore, now have fun with it!

Wow! Are we realy back to mine and the final turn. Thanks everybody sp far. Going to try and get something finished for the latest DDRC as I have started something but I will do my best on some mixing and tidying up if I feel it needs it. I don’t really want to be adding anything much at such a late stage. (Not actually listened yet but as a general comment.)

Thanks f+d+k :)

And I thought you said you had gone for the one with the right name (and would thus adjust this one.) How come this file has the same name as your round 9 entry? :P

Oh shoot – I clicked the wrong ‘share’ button!!!
It’s this one:

Well that’s the end of that. I will upload what I’ve done when I get the chance, only attempting to do some mixing and balancing and really can’t say I’m sure it is any better than when I got it. Removed the Soft Clip off Master (bad idea to use this when composing!) and fiddled around with a few other bits. The kick drum is the area I still feel the mix is worst and have had most problems with.

Likely get it up tonight after work…


Got home to be told my mate’s van has been stolen with £2.5-3k (second hand value) worth of my equipment inside it so I hope you will forgive me for not really feeling in the mood for doing anything last night!

Hopefully the wireless at work will be a bit more stable than it was yesterday and I’ll get it uploaded in a bit though…

damn that must’ve been a bad night for you. :(

:unsure: :(

Anyway here it is. Mixdown is far from perfect but only had a chance to work on it on headphones, which surely didn’t help. Hope you guys are all happy with the outcome anyway.

^ i’m happy with the outcome even without listening man. it is nice to do a collab always.

Sounds very good, great work kazakore and the rest who has participated! :)

There is only one tiny thing i would like to change and that is to adjust the amount of RingMod in the ‘PAD’ track way down, don’t you agree?