Dead Dog Collaboration Idea

Has been proven to suffer just as badly.

See for example.

Maybe worth trying again though…

It’s not a bad idea to have them short, one day or two days maybe. Original idea of the DDRC competitions before the actually got off the ground was a one day compo (I know they have been done sporadically in the past, eg through IRC.) Then initial discussion they start as 3 or 4 days and after a while got extended to a week tracking per round.

So larger group, shorter rounds and still a high likelihood of many turns being missed or try with smaller group and same length? Hmmm…

i must say i can only agree with Bantai here. yes, we are all ‘friends’ (or friendly at least) around here, but in my experience you need someone taking control and laying down some basic rules if you want to get something off the ground. i don’t think this goes against the friendly vibe here. it is the same with a dog: if you don’t give it discipline, it will not be happy in the end, and you will not be happy in the end. freedom is a great thing, but not everywhere all the time.

Actually working on it. I’ll have a few patterns in style of the one that did 13 till 25, it’s so beautifull ^_^

Thought we had some basic rules this time, no? Timeslots set out and clearly stated well before composing started (even to the extent a couple got moved around when people said they couldn’t do what they were given.) I admit I haven’t been overly good at keeping hold of the reigns and making sure people are trying to work on it and aware their turn is up very shortly but I have tried to message each person when their turn starts, which in turn should get am email from the board sent to their Inbox. Not sure much more what can be done from that side…

Only real way I can see is having a smaller group. People showed interest, were added to the list, then have barely been on since. Once a few rounds were missed everybody has found it hard to be the one to break the pattern! Apart from having a smaller group, of people you feel confident will actually participate, I’m not sure how to battle this.

@kazakore: please don’t take my comment on rules as criticism of any kind. i was responding more to Bantai and the Longtrack-stuff than to the DDRCollab. there are basic rules in place indeed, and i have no idea either how you could’ve done it better than you did.

i could go for the smaller group, or the shorter times… not 100% sure what would work best, as i’m not that collab-experienced.

Fair enough. Didn’t take it as hard criticism but my comment was meant more as if you can see ways/rules that would help enhance the experience/tighten the group then actually state them so that they can be taken onboard. But as you were actually referring to LongTrack2 nevermind. Although I still admit that a single message to each user at their start time (and even this simple nudge I sometimes failed to do) seems to not be enough, yet constant badgering I don’t think would be good either…

Shorter round and the organiser (me) has to try and be even more on top of things, possibly daily sending put messages reminding people their turn is about to end and the next person theirs is about to start. May work with the “hands-up” approach, similar to LongTack2, but still think it poses problems. The small group feels a little elitist but at least I think it makes it more likely to have people who will remain involved throughout the experience.

But at the end of the day all I’m trying to do here is facilitate ways in which people can have a bit of fun with Renoise. Enjoyment is and should remain the key priority in any endeavour like this!

in the end i feel messages like that shouldn’t be necessary, you know? it should be possible to work on this with people who do not need to be messaged for them to remember to do their part in this thing they signed up for. and i wouldn’t think it fair if you had to run around (albeit digitally) chasing after people and doing most of the work yourself (which work would not even be making music but just damn boring logistics). so i would not be in favor of a system which would come down to that.
considering that, i think the smaller group would be the best option.

Maybe it’s possible to make an automated system with an uploader where we could upload and download the entries? I really have no clue to how it could be done, but i imagine there are some computer geeks here?
There could maybe even be possible to script an automated reminder that sends a PM or an email perhaps?
And what about a cancel function if something has come up so that you don’t have the time for it?
It would at least ease the work for kazakore a bit and maybe even make it easier for everyone. :D

Automated? Don’t know how that would work. A FTP so we could all upload to the same place could be done, so that I don’t have to collate everything, but it’s still worth putting it all in the first post and haven’t a password for a FTP account which is public knowledge is something I’m not overly keen on… Could do a free Mediafire or similar but don’t see there being much gain…

Getting into Forum Bots here, which is a grey area to say the least. Although sure the Admins wouldn’t mind too much if it really did only send a message out everysooften… Something I’d never consider doing without their approval though!

Still need to have remembered it’s your turn to let people know you wont manage your turn. Some have managed to do this as is and had the next start early but overall it hasn’t helped…

I like anything that makes my life easier! :D

Have also considered a “Never-Ending Shaggy Dog Story” which would be closer to the LongTrack2 type ideas. File worked on and uploaded, then next person to post saying they are working on it has 48hours to do what they want to do and put a new, updated file up before the next person can take on the baton.

I thought Java was supposed to be easy? Simply make a Java-app that does everything for you.

10 PRINT"Upload xrns";
40 PRINT"Download";TRACK$

So I’ll make your life easier by telling you I’m fully aware of the fact it’s my second turn on Tuesday! ;)

Let’s cross our fingers for f+d+k, no pressure at all dude, but this better be good. :D

Damn, I forgot to upload it.
One sec :rolleyes: (though I only added 4 patterns)

Downloadable HERE

Downloaded and corrected filename. Only just noticed the date from the last one is actually my birthday. Coincidence?

Anyway hopefully f+d+k can happily work from this. Internet keeps disconnecting (wireless at work is terrible!) but I’ll hopefully have it uploaded and in the first post shortly (with correct name.)

EDIT: Link - DDRColla1-R20(20111018-td6d)

I send it to f+d+k too a few hours back via pm. :)

Why rename a file when you can re-download it? ;)


I renamed the one I downloaded before uploading to the same place as all the rest to follow the naming structure set out.

Unless td6d make a boozy and actually just reuploaded your file from last time as I haven’t actually open it yet. Filename was the same as the one you submitted though.

Nooo, added 4 new patterns in style of pattern 13 and further (the bleeb-bloob part) and called it ‘space is the place’ in the matrix.
I also added some chords during the tempo increase part after that etc.

Yeah once I actually opened it I could see it definitely was the right file ;)

Be warned though effdeekay! He has left one of the tracks muted :o