Dead Dog Collaboration Idea

I didn’t explain it well, in my idea we never works the same week on the same tune, for exemple if we were two doing this: week 1 : you start something In G , I start something in F, week 2 I send you my xrns you send me your xrns, and I continue your G thing you continue my F thing. When you work on something you always refers to what people did before that’s my vision of ‘collaborative’ and I think it’s better than doing 4 bar of breakbeat after somebody else did 4 bar of concrete music after somebody else did 4 bar of a backstreet boys remix :) The first 2 weeks it’s only about putting rythmic and melodic ideas without thinking about the song structure, then the two weeks after somebody will start to blend ideas of first 2 weeks plus his ideas to start to structure the tune.

Nevermind! I’m pretty excited by doing this and always see the things too big (that’s probably why I never finish what I start :) )

f+d+k: there is no limit on number on contributors, eight was just used in my example for no particular reason.

ripley: current numbering system is only a guide and to be revsised to make sure everybody is happy before we start. I can give you the higest number (latest turn) that does not leave you with the final polishing job if you wish and we can see where this eventually puts you date-wise…

uav: so you mean we start eight completely different songs, all being written in parallel? This may tie up a lot of people’s composing time for a long stretch. Although, as you say, there is very little harm if somebody misses a round. As already stated in mine you are not “adding onto/after the last person’s” contribution but always working with the track as a whole, modifying as you see fit (while trying to respect other’s musical vision.) Some may like to work with complex beats, others with adding atmospherics, another may feel their time is best spent rearranging the whole structure to a different order and working on transitions. (I read yours as Track=Renoise_Track not Track=Track/Song.)

Again please raise hands for these two roles:

Starter (first round bare-bones programming.)
Finisher (final touches, making sure the order flows, tidying transisions and maybe some touches of mastering on the Master channel(best kept dry until this final push.)

@kazakore: Yeah sorry English is not my native language so it’s hard sometimes for me to explain things!

I don’t care if I’m starter or finisher. I will let other peoples choose.

Don’t think I have time for this round, but I’ll totally be up for it in a weeks time.
Transitions have never been a strong point, so this will help me break that ice.
Hope this round goes well! good luck!

kickofighto: We haven’t even started yet. The way I’m proposing it is that each person has a week of their own tracking, so if you were in at number 10 it would be 10 weeks from start until you actually are expected to do some work on the piece.

If people can’t then it’s a shame but should damage the final track too much, plus doing a second run through hopefully means if you miss you’ll get a chance later (although maybe we should just go through once as there is quite a lot of interest by the looks of things…)

You down with that?

problem is that i will be very busy after exams, because i’m going to study abroad. if at all then i’d prefer 2nd or 3d week. what do you think? shall i do this?

@ripley: damn dude, you need to decide for yourself. if you’re gonna ask us, we’re all going to go ‘yeah of course man!’, while you may need the time. just give it some thought, no rush or anything, and i’m sure you can jump in later (?)

@kazakore: really looking forward to this, and i don’t mind the position in the chain as long as i don’t have to finish it up cuz i suck at mastering.
also, finally checked out the program for Bangface Weekender, and damn you, with only Slugabed and Scorn coming i would’ve bought the ticket, but there’s ATR, Bong-Ra and loads more cool stuff. i can imagine you are looking forward to it, so have a lot of fun man, and let is know how awesome it was when you get back.

To be fair it’s all about the chalet parties anyway, first year I saw almost nothing music-wise after Friday, last year half the people I did see slightly disappointed and the systems should of been a lot louder, both times were wicked and much fun was had though! (Never heard of Slugabed so just putting on his Soundcloud now.)

10 weeks is fine for me!
enjoy the weekender!

count me in :D

Added and a bump.

I’ll edit/add preliminary dates for everybody’s round today if I’m not too swamped with work (feeling quite weak and hung-over at the moment!)

Look to start next Tuesday? Different start day (of week) to usual DDRC rounds, each person then has Monday to try and get uploaded and linked for the next person to start downloading/tracking Tuesday.

Current order leaves the final touches to E.H.V.A.H. SDC not sure how happy you are with that mate? As only having competed in one DDRC round and seemingly quite new to the board I really couldn’t comment of your confidence or prowess…

So I take the responsability to start the thing ?

If you don’t mind, you seemed willing to be given the responsibility earlier.

I will create the blank xrns though, with some (randomly generated) samples/instruments (similar to how they are created for the DDRCs) and then each round the contributor can add within the boundaries set (3 individual samples or 1 full, multi-sampled instrument per round.) Although there are chances of it getting a little bloated like this we’ll see how it goes…

as another ‘tip’, i’d like to urge everyone contributing to not start with adding your own 3 samples/your own instrument. first, see what you already have to work with. it will make you think in creative ways. then, when you feel you are truly missing something, AND feel that the thing you are gonna add in is a worthy addition both to the track as well as useful for others to work with in a creative way, just put it in there.
the reason i make this point is because using the same samples/sounds will help make the song sound as uniform as possible, as opposed to everyone doing his/her thing with his/her own samples and the thing sounding like a Frankensong.

still, just a tip, feel free to ignore me here and do what you think is right :)

Right to give everybody time to say yay or nay (although wouldn’t matter too much if occasional round missed) let’s go for kick off on Tuesday 31st May. Have moved myself to the final stage position as we had no volunteers. 22 weeks does seem a long time but there is no real harm in starting up a second one within a month or so… I dunno what do people think? Anyway dates and names:

31st May - 6th June = Uav
7th June - 13th June = TheBellows
14th June - 20th June = E.H.V.A.H. SDC
21st June - 27th June = Rhowaldt
28th June - 4th July = Beat Fuhrer
5th July - 11th July = Ripley
12th July - 18th July = Kazakore
19th July - 25th July = YourLocalLoser
26th July - 1st Aug = f+d+k
2nd Aug - 8th Aug = kickofighto
9th Aug - 15th Aug = td6d
16th Aug - 22nd Aug = TheBellows
23rd Aug - 29th Aug = Rhowaldt
30th Aug - 5th Sept = Ripley
6th Sept - 12th Sept = yourlocalloser
13th Sept - 19th Sept = kickofighto
20th Sept - 26th Sept = Uav
27th Sept - 3rd Oct = E.H.V.A.H SDC
4th Oct - 10th Oct = Beat Fuhrer
11th Oct - 17th Oct = td6d
18th Oct - 24th Oct = f+d+k
25th Oct - 31st Oct = Kazakore

Then we can all sigh a breath of relief ;)

Beautiful, Kazacore!
Will there be any kind of limit on the length of the track?
May I suggest that saves of each stage are kept on record and are uploaded for all of us to download at whatever stage?
This will allow some backtracking if anyone thinks it’s necessary. Other than that, see you all again in 10 weeks!

No limits but it is meant to be more a collaboration as much as possible so do want people to try and add to/modify existing parts, rather than only bolt their work onto the end. I do understand that people work at different tempo and vibes so do expect there to be a few changes and probably disjointed bits for at least a while but part of everybody’s job (but especially mine in the last week) is trying to find a working order and good transitions. (Rhowaldt’s points above are worth taking into account. PS I did plus your comment rhowaldt but didn’t feel really had time to reply. Good points from both of you :) )

I’ll have to pull my finger out and sort out my server and ftp etc (sorry can’t offer everybody access though, would have to update myself and you use wherever you can…)

One day I’ll sort out the DDRC side of it too, I promise!.. Although I have lost a fair number of files from hard drive crashes and I don’t think all uploaded packs still exist due to using Mediafire without an account for many of them.

Although I did sign up to free Mediafire but they are very unclear how long these files will remain active and it’s not the most professional looking place to use. Although we can give the set its own folder so not unusable…

@kazakore: ah thanks for the +1 then! hope other people will read it and know why i say it as well, and keep it in the back of their heads.

regarding the samplepacks and Mediafire: it could very well be possible that one or more of the competitors in these rounds still have the samplepacks on their harddrive. i know i do for most of the rounds i competed in. so that might be a way to retrieve them.

by the way, i have no problems with my tracking-dates. right before and after my vacation, well planned! :)

So from what I understand of this, it will be longtrack v2? :lol:
I’m definitly in but I HAVE to switch turns with someone on the period from the 12th to 18th of July since I will be visiting Dour Festival on almost exactly those days.
Anyone in for a change? Doesn’t matter when, just not thát week :rolleyes:

not sure if you are sarcastic here, but it is quite the opposite of longtrack. with longtrack, the goal is to make a track as long as possible, and everyone adds their own stuff at the end (with transitions kept in mind). with this, you can decide for yourself whether you want to expand on the intro, add some breakdown in the middle or make it a couple bars longer.