Dead Dog Collaboration Idea

I see potential to be a bit carried away tracking on this thing :P

Why is it the opposite of longtrack when everybody adds to the track one by one until you have one looong track? The only thing that’s different is that you can add whereever you want apparently.

Maybe we sould focus more on getting all the cool stuff packed into a shorter track?

Oh Right, I agree with the not Long-Track idea… editing and evolving. Good then. Good track, not long track… got it!

No, because with Long Track the idea was everybody wrote their own bit and added it to the end, or squeezed it in somewhere if it could fit better. The idea of this is more to try and collaborate and grow the track, although I would be very surprised if there aren’t a few distinct sections we want to encourage people to enhance and expand on existing pieces, rather than bolt their own after it.

EG People A, B, C & D all contribute to section X & Y as they all like fucked up fast beats. E, F & G all create section Z together, which fits a more 4/4 thing. Person H is good at soundscapes and ends up doing a wonderful intro on his own.

If you get what I mean.

Of course it may just TURN into the next Long Track but that’s not explicitly the idea ;)

td6d: I could probably swap with you (just first round.) Would probably work better for me, I plan to try and be away end of July/start of August for my birthday (hoping to do EastTek and PolTek this year but we’ll have to see) although I think I’d be back in time for mine anyway. Although the odd missed round doesn’t matter too much it is best avoided if we have notice ;)

Swapped you with mine to

9th Aug - 15th Aug = td6d

That OK?

Perfect! Thanks ^_^

üav GO! :drummer: :guitar: :yeah:

Sorry about slight delay, running about at work, but here is a start .xrns with some samples/instruments in it. Maybe a little drum-centric but that could be good for starting with anyway…

dentist - success!
job interview - success!
Collaborative dog killing - in progress…

I went to the dentist for the fist time in 16 years the other week. Couldn’t believe it when they were saying my teeth are in really good condition. Was slightly worried before going in there…

You are lucky I’m 23 and most of my molars had plumb in it, but this time it was for a strange creature born on my gums.

i never go to the dentist. stopped going a while back, after me not following their advice, and hearing upon return how marvelous i was doing. complete bullshit. also, they’ve had me do these fluoride-treatments for a couple of years to strengthen my teeth, and they have strengthened. so why do i do checkups every half year, and spend a bunch of money? no reason whatsoever. damn dentists. they took half my teeth out as well!

Well my Wisdoms are partially erupted and compacted so I wanted to see what the dentist would advise and thought after so many years I’d probably need a filling or two, plus there are a couple of chips I sometimes catch my tongue etc on so hoped the hygienist might be able to file down the sharp edges a bit…

Apparently the NHS recommends every 12 months now, not the 6 months of when I last went. With how well it went after so long (and barely looking after them as much as I tell myself I should) I think every 2-3 years might be suitable ;)

Anyway probably enough thread derailing…

what? this is the first time i like the direction in which this thread is going.


can we just get a msg to be on time or i’ll forget it :)

I’ll try to remember to message people but I can’t promise. If the previous person also messages once they’ve uploaded it might help as well ;)

a tag-system! as in: “tag, you’re it!”. that’s cool.

Remember to try and get your start uploaded today so that TheBellows can start working from it tomorrow :)
