Dead Dog Disko Competition Round 16

Congrats Uav!
and rhowaldt lol @ the 4’33 :D. Also Good job Beat Fuhrer your track had quite some movement sorta idmish.

Remember to get your rules into me Uav.

I’m gonna have to get on installing Windows at work tomorrow morning to be able to create the sample pack for it though (and remember to take my external hard drive to work with my Data Backup on it) to get it out there though…

yea almost forgot! I’m thinking about it and tell you asap

thanks man, glad you guys appreciate a joke :)

forgot to say what i always feel obliged to say, which is ‘good work everyone’. i really liked all tracks and was amazed at some of the techniques.

we’ll wait for üav’s new rules. i hate when he wins but his rules are always pretty cool.