Dead Dog Renoise Competition Round 28

Yay, nice round. I like the diversity of the tracks! This time even I finally managed to get a track done, actually my first ever :w00t: Thanks a lot kazakore for handling the administrative tasks!

I just wonder, whether I should vote or not? Voting for myself seems lame, and voting for the others might compromises my score :D

Oh, and another thing, whats the license of the samples, am I allowed to use them elsewhere? I wonder if I’m allowed to store them in my samples library, and whether I can use them without having to fear Disney suing the shit out of me when I upload something on youtube or anywhere. Not that I my tracks will have much significance, but these days I have the feeling you can’t be cautious enough…

I think it’s always nice for as many people as possible to vote. It is a bit cheeky if people do vote for themselves but if they truly, truly think they deserve it over all the other entries then it’s not technically against the rules (and no way anybody would know.)

@elmex: what kazakore said. i have voted for myself once i think, simply because i honestly thought my own track was the best of the bunch. i did listen to everything 3 times though just to make sure. you can also choose not to do that and simply pick the track you think is best aside from your own. sometimes you can also just vote for originality or which track made you laugh most or whatever. go with your gut.

about the samples: i think these come from Kurtz’ personal sample collection, so you’d have to ask him about them.

Yeah Kurtz generally very kindly puts some of his own time in creating a pack when he has won the previous round, rather than my randomly generated ones from my collection. Think it was meant to be at least vaguely festive, but you should be able to twist any happy/festive sounds with the use of pitch up/down, reversing, distortion, ring-mod/phaser and other effects anyway ;)

A lot of nice tracks this round! :walkman:

I liked the samples, but i’m a bit disappointed with how i put them to use. Some days it works and some days it don’t, that’s just how it is. :rolleyes:

ah crap :wacko:, replaying my entry, I’ve realised that I finally zip-packed and sent to kazakore the wrong version (the wrong has a low / odd level of some important instruments and the mix is slightly fucked up)… craaaaAAAAP … well anyway, it’s too late, and my entry isn’t a winner one anyway. :smashed:

Well the samples come from my own personnal big sample library, I’ve selected all of them during neverending grabbing section on free sound sites, I think that you shouldn’t have any copyright issue for using the “Ho Ho Ho” for example, that you probably find on every free soundsite.

really nice entries all of you. i think i was able to spot some of the contestants’ entries, but i might be wrong.

i tried to do something but it just never developed, it was that fucking sawtooth, it just sounds so good i couldn’t stop jamming. I zoomed into it in the s.editor and noticed its very slight stepped which increases from the center, with the end fading to zero,(the beginning doesn’t though). Audacity tells me its 2697 samples long. Can anyone tell me if thats significant or not?
thanks for the sample pack:-)

ive picked my winner by the way:-)

hey I’ve also played each track, and wow cool tunes !
I though that my samplepack could not really allow participants to make something else than a typical christmas / saesonal genre track,
hopefully we’ve got really different things here
am I the only one to feel that the overall quality of the DDRC entries keeps on raising round after round ?
there are indeed some very original works and/or interesting techniques here
… there are at last 3 tracks I’d like to vote for, unfortunately it’s not possible…
I need more time to take a decision, it won’t be easy…

Once again awesome stuff! Took me quite a while to make up my mind.

Very impressing the vocoder wizardry in #4. (But didn’t vote for you, sry)

… and I still hesitate…

  • yes, the n°4 has good points, the “bad santa” idea, willfull unharmonic choices, nearly evil ambience :ph34r: and the motherfuckin native 36bands vocoder :walkman: , however from my point of view, the mix balance isn’t as it could be :unsure:, the church organ is somehow muffled and should be “brighter” ; a brighter and higher volume on the church organ should compensates the strong drumkit presence and with that the mix could be far better.

  • the n°3 looks simple, (maybe too simple), and the overall volume is a bit low, however the technique and results are very attractive :rolleyes:, good usage of the “wow” sound, the multitap and the repeater go through a ringmod, the resulting sound is very original, and controlled in a very granular, and ultra-precise way (omg the BPM), a pretty good demo of what the 2.8 version brings, we’ve got a “potential winner” here

  • the n°5 is simply “so cool”, there’s a real science of reverbs filters & delays in this one ; and what’s nice is that the .xrns is clear, easy to read, thanx to new groups of tracks allowed by the 2.8 version ; the main lyrics lines are re-constructed from the holyshit sample ; I really like the strange meaning that comes from this re-construction ; I have to say that the reverse reverbs included in the holyshit sample is a cool effect but it’s very hard to master in the end, I had myself a problem when working with it, and this track work it out with the perfect choices.

  • the n°1 hasn’t pure killer techniques or a ultra-impressive complex mix setup, doesn’t feature dozens of chained effects, but I like it, it’s a 100% pure & proudly made tracked-music style ! very nice melodic approach ; that kind of melodic lead lines always bring a true “fresh air” in my tracklist ; the n°1 show that a good and effective musical idea still simply makes it.

  • the n°2 is a good surprise, one of the reason why I like the ddrc, I’ve discovered a new genre here, the “hallucinogenic-mushroom” genre :yeah: :lol: :yeah:. In the end, it"s a mindfuckin crossover, something I personnaly appreciate a lot, I particularly like what’s happening after 00:49, when it goes crazy, another potential winner here too ha ha ha .

… so I still hesitate…

^ good analysis. just to comment on the volume being a bit low in no. 3: i hear this a lot in entries for competitions, and it is simply due to a lack of mastering knowledge/will to boost the volume up. you know how before the loudness-war certain albums came with those ‘turn up the volume!’-stickers? i think the same thing applies here. i don’t mean to say you should adjust your judgement on that, but i always ignore low volumes and just turn up my own to hear it properly next to the others.

concerning the “low volume” feeling, it’s really a very minor point, it didn’t stopped me at all to enjoy the quality of this track,
and concerning the “bump up the volume” stickers, and the loudness war,
maybe one day we’ll define a rule like “compose a GOOD track with a volume that does NOT exceed -6dB” ;)

for me it was a close call between nr 2 and nr 3. but after listerning again, my vote went to nr 2 :walkman:

i was imagining that the kid was running away from “stan” in a freakish lo-rez lsd / peyote drenched zelda world :dribble:

Sorry for late announcement, I helped put on a party Boxing Day night and straight into work yesterday with no sleep and then after work trying to help friends sort their lives out before they go off to Africa for a few months.

When I had looked on Friday I thought no.3 was going to take this but no.2 has snapped a couple of votes towards the end and I have to say is a very well deserved winner!

Congratulations The Bellows

I will add a note of all entries at a later date…


i was sure i was going to win! it would’ve been so beautiful: after a long period of absence from the compo, a glorious comeback with an instant win on the first entry i did in months! damn you TheBellows, damn you to hell!!!

Edit : I also thought that rhowaldt could win this round, but it seems that a bunch of last votes finally rewarded the bellows’ (hallucinogenic mushroom) track. It often happens these times, anyway, as I previously said, each track propose lots of different ideas, well there are lots of sources of inspiration and usefull things to re-use here in the future.

So… congrats to The Bellows for this crazy entry !

and now it’s time for you to know the original source of inspiration for this round (maybe some of you allready know it) :

! Rare Exports !

(warning : very disturbing content)

  1. Robbie S
    2. The Bellows
  2. Rhowaldt
  3. Kurtz
  4. Elmex

congratulations Mr Bellows, and i must say i also voted for you, it was a great track.

Thanks for the votes guys, i’m quite surprised i won with this weird track, but obviously in DDRC anything might happen. :)
I guess you want some rules by tomorrow kazakore, i’ll see if i’m able to cook something up.