Just trying to get an idea of what people are up to this year, which party/parties you might be going to, etc. I’d love to check out at least one of these myself this year, so it’d be cool to meet up with other Renoisers!
Ditto. I wanted to go last year but I got so distracted with other things (read: lazy). Breakpoint and Evoke are also the 2 parties I’m currently most interested in this year. I’d really love to get some friends to go with me from Norway (I’m in Trondheim myself, but I know some people in Oslo as well), but if I have to I will travel alone I guess.
I’ve voted Buenzli because lots (read: about 10 people) of italians go there, but I have always been interested into visiting Evoke, which is also attended by other italians.
it’s not because I don’t want to meet foreign people, but I live about 800km away from the nearest scener, so being able to make part of the trip together with someone can be better
Just shamelessly bumping this thread again. I really hoped to see more activity in the poll/replies for this one. Surely there are more people out there who are at least thinking of attending one of these events? I’d like to see a nice gang of Renoise users all in one place!
Maybe it’s just too early to say “I will be there”. I’d love to visit breakpoint AND evoke but as I do not know what might happen in 2(!) months or even 6(!) months.
I understand. I don’t know for certain what I’ll be doing myself since you’re right, it is quite a long way away, but I was mainly interested in just getting a show of hands to see who is at least considering it. I think it could help to build up some excitement and enthusiasm about the events to get some discussions started now. Every year I’ve thought about this stuff I always leave it until the last minute, or I simply forget that something is actually happening and I only realise when it’s far too late, like 3 days before the party when booking flights and stuff would be a total nightmare. I really, really want to go to something this year, and I want to have a Renoise posse to chill with!
If I do not have to pay 500 Euro again (broken car, insurance, broken pc) I will definetely attend at least one of those parties. August seems nice to me
that “maybe” is based on the circumstance if i’ll pass the upcoming exams (job-wise depending alot on that) and also on who is going to show up at the event - but if you and mr. beltrey are going to attend for sure, i’d rather like to alter that “maybe” into a “most probably”
you said you “wanna go”, is it yet uncertain for you?
no breakpoint for me, I had too much of those “warehouse” and “geeks in the thousands”-parties in the nineties. (Not meant to offend anyone, but the trip last year was basically a huge stressy mess and I needed a vacation afterwards … So I am going to pass this year.)
I intend to be at Evoke. There’s nothing that would really get in my way of being there… I can get time off work and the money is no problem. I just haven’t made any arrangements yet for travel, hotel, etc. The Evoke website says there will be more info after Breakpoint, so I was kinda waiting for that to figure out what I need to do.