Do You Need To Use Some "stimulants" To Compose?

I heard not a long time ago a recording of a jazz band improvising for hours under LSD… the result is psychedelic and really really nice to listen, interesting!

i can only write when i’m sober, otherwise i just can’t focus - either mentally or visually. :P

tracking stoned is more like self-entertainment, “playing-around” in stead of the purpose of making music. however, one’s perceptions to imagine and grab a spacy sound is increased under the chronic influence, i think there is no desperate need to track being high, but it is definitely fun sometimes and some good things come out indeed

for example, i was totally and enormously wasted when i made the first minute of this. (i also mistyped the filename:D)
boy, i felt myself in a shiny nebulae-sprinkled space with sparkles. i named it “daily space trips to neighbouring planets”

if you see Steve Odekerk’s Jimmy Neutron movie (made of the series), you can get an idea watching the scene when the kids approach the other planet. must see. stunning scene indeed:)

anyway, i seldom tracked on alcohol. they came out terrible :)

adderall ftw

sry but i have a chemical imbalance ftl :confused:

I’ve composed music in any mood and any condition BUT NOT WHEN THE SUN IS IN THE SKY!

i.e. I can’t and never have made any music during the day, I’m just able to compose when it’s absolutely dark, in the night.

Never found out why though. :)

Other than cigarettes (NO, NOT FUNNY CIGARETTES!), nope. I used to get stoned and compose in impulse tracker for a laugh, but never really took any of that seriously. If I drink while renoise is open, I tend to just go back to old pieces of crap I never finished and go, “Wow, why didn’t I ever finish that?” without actually ‘solving’ the incompleteness.

Stay sober, stay hard…intoxication is for enjoying sound, not making it.

I sometimes compose under the influence of any of the following:

  • Sushi
  • Jalapeños
  • Curry
  • Overtiredness
  • Horniness
  • Boredom
  • Procrastination
  • Caffeine
    … but I’ve been clean and sober for over 6 years… and when I used to track stoned, I rarely came up with anything usable. Slightly buzzed off gin is probably the closest I could get to drunk whilst tracking too. Basically, my thought is this: People can use drug experiences for musical inspiration, but chances are they’ll never write anything of value whilst truly blotto’d.

I found speed was good for motivation and discipline while tracking (the single time I did so, anyway).

Contrary to expectations, the outcome was a tune that wasn’t jittery, or even grandiose, but instead fairly controlled with a slight edge on it.

DXM (Dextromethorphan) does interesting things. I found it inspired compositions relating to the interesting feel and emotions one experiences on the stuff. I often set the scene so a listener might get some impression of what it’s like to be dexxing; a fellow dexxer agreed the sonic scenery definitely evoked some memories :)

I also have a very solid-sounding 4-pattern short looping piece I have on record from last time I played around with DXM.


Reading one of the shroom stories on Erowid inspired me immediately to bake a tune that conveyed the “epic” qualia experienced by the storyteller.

I could never ever do anything productive on shrooms… the world goes soft and squishy and all I could do was listen to the same sample over and over again, adding more and more reverb and delay… wooooow…

weed and renoise mix well, no special effects except I lose track of time
more easily when smoking… other than that, I once did mdna before I
went renoising, but I just grew veeery restless and ended up decreasing
all my 200+bpm tracks to 160bpm and below.

I agree very much with the statement that doing drugs and making music is a whole lot less effective than doing drugs and listening to music. however, testing your own tracks from time to time can be quite essential and only hurts people in the long run. :P

Yes kaneel, ketamine is the worst shit of ever!
you can find on my website the sticker “ketamine kills tekno”

I know i ve lost 2 friends because of ketamine…

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Aye, the K is to be steered clear of - I fail to see the point in it - it’s meant for horses for f-sake!?!

Still, I will probably be called a hypocrite now, as I delve into TNT’97’s idea - weee! (I’m at home with a broken ankle & NO inspiration and have tried many angles for the past month now :() I’ve not nowt else to do anyway!

Don’t do this at home kids!

My cat’s about to get stoned on K… at the vet :P … poor kitty :(

No pepsi, no music. :wacko:

Absolutely 0% Alcohol and 0% any other illicit substance. Been without alcohol for a few years now and it does wonderful things for your memory as well as your social confidence.

I occasionally grudgingly take paracetamol if my sinus is giving me hell. Expectorant last year once when I thought I was risking getting pneumonia. I’ve a very light free-trade coffee every morning. Usually a cup of tea or green tea in the latter half of the day. Don’t eat meat. Exercise daily. Don’t watch TV or YouTube. Ride my bike to work every day, even if it’s -3C.

Substance usage or not, you’ll be judged on the quality of your ideas. The rest is just personal indulgence.

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Fitter, happier, more productive,
sorry, you just sound like a a radiohead song:

Anyways, my thoughts on ‘substance’ use with music is that you generally make music that sounds good - only under the influence. If you want ti make music that sounds good sober, you should make it sober.

Its like that spaceman 3 CD:

I would prefer making music that sound good when whoever listens is sober.

I tend to be most creative after stimulating sex together with lots of red wine. <_<

how soon after ?