Draw Draw Automation

Does anybody play with sample editor draw function while playing keyboard?
You can create very interesting sounds, but there’s no way to automate this, so I thought something like this:

Example how to draw simple pulsewidth modulation.

Other than drawing free hand and somehow recording these movements, I think drawing vectors (line+spline) would be good approach. After drawing you could set envelope or lfo to run through lines from instument page, or even better: meta-device to control with midi or other devices (keytrack changes waveform, etc…).

From wild changes to small movement in sound, something different from any HW or VST synth.

I’m not sure 100% of how you mean but from what I gather, this sounds like fucking AMAZING idea.

Probably impossible to implement though. >.<

there has been a couple o suggestions regarding the same thing , but your approach is really nice , I like it alot
So an option for spline based waveforms with the ability to automate the vectorpoints , ( :dribble:

i never use the draw tool,maybe i should start?

just tried on a sample,and it glitches(not in the good way)like hell

the draw tool should be used to draw automations IMHO(if theres no better option)

Then I guess you are doing something wrong , drawing in the sample editor while playing back a sample gives a verry smooth result .
And how can you compare the automation draw tool with the sample editor draw tool ? :huh:

Related or similar functionalities ?

QuikQuak’s Glass Viper Synth with its continuously changing waveform.

Devine Machine’s Krishna Synth with its frame oscillator.

can you give an excample?when i try to use the draw tool,in sample editor all i get is glitch,not sounding very smooth to me,i would upload a soundclip,but im not on my audio comp right now

It all depends o the length o your samples for getting a smooth result ( and soundcard req. ) ( 1 sec= 44100) …default=168 samples , I use 336 ( one octave lower ) or sometimes 672 ( 2 octaves lower)
when looking at the masterscope while drawing in the sample editor ,you’ll see that the changes get updated immediately ( while drawing/altering the waveorm)
just enter a note and start drawing in the sample editor :rolleyes:

hint …make empty waveform samples 44100 or whatever ( long enough for a good drawing resolution ) .
Now set the sample to sync mode , and choose beats as measure mode ( upper mode of editor )
Now draw cliks/pops where you want them , preferably on some beat division ( cause it is now synced to tempo ) add effect etc…renoise =endless

similar and super simple:

QuikQuak’s Glass Viper Synth with its continuously changing waveform.

Devine Machine’s Krishna Synth with its frame oscillator.
something like that , but those examples are merely to duplicate non static analogue waveforms
What the topicstarter meant is the ability to move/automate ‘vector points’ ( spline based waveform )which would give it a wavetable like character …only diference is wavetable =multiple interpolated waves .while the topicstarter’s idea is just a single waveform with vectorpoints that can be automated , more vectorpoints = complex waveorms .
Take a look at u-he zebra in the ( geomorph) osc section …its not really wavetable because the interpolation is based on amplitude whereas real wavetable synteis is based on rebuilding/interpolating the harmonicc contents

something like that , but those examples are merely to duplicate non static analogue waveforms
What the topicstarter meant is the ability to move/automate ‘vector points’ ( spline based waveform )which would give it a wavetable like character …only diference is wavetable =multiple interpolated waves .while the topicstarter’s idea is just a single waveform with vectorpoints that can be automated , more vectorpoints = complex waveorms .
Take a look at u-he zebra in the ( geomorph) osc section …its not really wavetable because the interpolation is based on amplitude whereas real wavetable synteis is based on rebuilding/interpolating the harmonicc contents

Cool +1

What I have done sometimes in the past is put a recording vst on Renoise master out and record the realtime pen draw’age, then save it as .wav file for further tweakability. Wouldn’t mind having this automatable in Renoise.

You can also record waveform drawings in Renoise just by looping the audio back (via cable or mic/speaker), hitting record on one sample and selecting another sample for drawing/playing. Renoise doesn’t block your drawing actions even when you’re recording, which is nice.