Duplex Layout Question

hi there… i’m writing a Duplex mixer config for the Akai MPD32, and i’m having trouble figuring out how to lay the knobs out as they are on the device and have them to work as pan controls.

it seems to work great when the config looks like:



but i’d like to have the knobs appear in two rows to look like the device, so i tried using the columns property:



with this second snippet, knobs K5 through K8 don’t map (with the controller or with the gui). any ideas?

also interested in learning more about how pages work, as the MPD has 3 banks of CC’s and 4 banks for notes. any help would be appreciated, and thanks so much renoise team and tool devs. this version is huge.

Unfortunately, you’ve come across one of the known bugs: multiple consecutive column properties cause the virtual control surface to become corrupted.

The bug is well-known and has been issued a ticket on the xrnx repository

Until then, try to create the knobs simply as two rows each with four sliders?
It would be quite easy to revert to the correct, column-based layout, once we get the bug sorted out.

PS: It’s this one? I’ve added it to the Duplex list of controllers

no actual advice, just replied to say ‘nice one!’

I got 2.6 yesterday and when I saw duplex I immediately thought to do a config for my mpd32 but looks like i’m being beaten to it. :)

ah, i saw that bug but wasn’t sure since it mentioned “two (or more) contiguous ‘columns’ attributes”, and i just have the one. thanks for your response and all your work on Duplex. big ups!!!

i wasn’t exactly sure what you meant by using two rows (can you nest rows within a group?), but i’m also at work and can’t poke at it atm…

and yes - that’s the one!! really looking forward to making some small performance-oriented renoise sessions when this is all working :)

thanks again :)

If anyone is interested in trying out AKAI MPD32 support, download the attached file and extract it into the Duplex/Controllers folder
This layout was submitted a while ago, but I think the problem described in the issue ticket has been resolved now?


I have the MKP25, which is pretty close to this unit’s layout. Trying to figure out how to build controller maps now.

Created an .xml file for the Akai MPK25 from the MPD32 mapper already in production.

Not idea where it goes in the filesystem so that I can test it, so I cant guarantee that it works, and I didnt get an .lua file finished for it yet since I am missing some data. Any help?

I wish someone had beaten me to getting the MPK25 and APC40 maps built. (envious)

Unfortunately after buying a few hardware devices and the registered version of this software I am still unable to actually make music with it until I get these issues resolved. I am glad that Ableton Live sucks enough for me to go through this instead of registering it and Renoise is the best DAW I could find for Linux, for now.


Don’t worry, you’ll get the purple heart decoration if you pull this one off…