
For those who know Andy Rehfeldt here’s one of its ultimate works,

a new fusion, after the dubmetal,

the fartstep or electrofart genre

here it is


quote: “a creative mind can work with every sample pack, even if it just consists of 3 fart-samples. (rhowaldt)”

YAY!!! Totally rocking stuff!!!

Which just gave me an idea to created new subgenre called:

diarrhea step

:clownstep: :clownstep: :clownstep: :clownstep: :clownstep:

I will start to work on sample pack.
The idea is to overdose laxatives and
sample my sphincter while taking slow steps closer to toilet…

cheers, cAMEL


Finally a legal reason to fart in bed without your GF to nag about it… “I’m practicing for my gig tomorrow dear”

this videos are great , 10x

if this guy is rich, I’ve really done everything wrong in my life



Whahaha lol :smiley:

This one is nice :


This is just plain awful and that’s what makes it funny. :lol:

I don’t agree. It hits my music taste perfectly, f(art) is an art