Faster Release Cycle

well, I’d even be fine with my videos/pics being too much – but then just SAY it, to me, and not so indirectly. that just fuels me. it’s not like I barged into a heated and intricate discussion here, at least I didn’t mean it that that way… I wanted to help pass the time until the next release is all :unsure: and it’s not like I just posted totally random stuff, there’s method to the madness :P it’s also not like I didn’t first post my thoughts on the issue. I made a chart ffs! <_< :P

I think that vV, with his latest reply, pictured the intention of the lolcat users well. People who find them offensive, I repeat, are over-reacting.

I also that it’s quite natural that an assertion without any real argument at its support (there surely are, but he didn’t tell one) like the one Foo? made can lead to such kind of replies

This is the first longer thread I’ve managed to read in full. I decided to post.

Wikipedia’s Renoise page mentions a sense of collective ownership…

“The Renoise development team works with the Renoise user community online to pool ideas for new features. By registering, a user is permitted to download beta versions of the software and can contribute to the bug testing and feature improvement phase before the final release. Given its relatively small user base, the sense of collective ownership from this community is strong.”

  • I’m confident the development/support team feels grievances expressed in above responses are both a necessary and welcome part of the development process. Continued discourse here is vital to the maintenance of “collective ownership,” in the sense applicable to this user community.

  • The more vigorous our treatment of this discourse, the better the product. This forum was put in place to facilitate and preserve this kind of argumentation. If we are to drop out of the conversation prematurely, the end result will suffer.

  • In the best interests of development; dare I say “the responsible Renoise user” will without question do all she can to provide a clear an accessible opinion on issues of her interest. Argumentation is difficult; feelings may be hurt - but more deliberation, more depth in this exchange will yield more efficient decisions regarding the future of the community. Again, you can’t drop out.

  • Democracy in action I guess. This kind of thread would have been locked already on other forums. When I registered I became the equivalent of a voting age citizen to the Republic of Renoisia, or Renoisylvania, which ever sounds cooler. I’m a new user, and I’m impressed by how well this “social contract” with regard to development has worked so far. The devs have put user concerns ahead of the market, in effect, creating their own market.

  • Anyway for my two cents after this dollar and a half of dribble:
    The Renoise development/support team probably has a mission statement. As users we have voting power, but no mission statement. I feel like we should draft some kind of document; not sure here, like a body of ambiguous guidelines or something… Some document that sums up or “constitutes” what we feel are the finer points of Renoisylvanian citizenship… Some understanding that would have kept Foo? in the conversation while at the same time moderating the stress level on the devs…

Also: to anybody who read this whole thing: the time you just wasted reading all of this will never ever be returned to you.


I don’t understand any of any negative sentiment. Renoise has in my opinion always been released in orderly fashion and the upgrade policy is generous. Isn’t those the issues at hand or is there something else worth to know about?

I have huge respect for Conner and foo? so this doesn’t make me happy, but I still don’t really understand why they feel the way they do.

If the cause is somehow rooted in a widespread impatience, then give those who feel itchy a beta version earlier, they should just know it will mess up their songs!? and will cause developers to trawl through tons of obvious bug reports.

Here’s my worry. Before Renoise was born, I waited years for Madtracker 3 and it’s VST support, it’s developer kept saying it was on the way but it never came. If everybody is losing it at team Renoise then we all have a big problem! So the most important thing must be to keep staying on a sustainable path, don’t squezze it more.

It’s up to the Devs to decide but no topic of conversation should ever be shunned.

Madtracker does have vst(i) support for some time now (2.6.1), but development is dead on 3. It was supposed to go open source if I recall correctly, but dunno what is up with that dev.

I wish I had a cat.

+1 Wasabizashi

Maybe too much pressure on that dev? :unsure:

Whatever the reason, let’s try our best to avoid this scenario: “Renoise has scripting support for some time now (2.6.1), but development is dead on 3”…

It’s obvious to me now that 2.6 may well be THE version in Renoise’s history that really exposes our attitudes. Anybody who will demand features from the devs, stuff that’s actually within reach by your own efforts (in scripting or otherwise), will define himself. Maybe this fact alone gives rise to lots of emotions. Because if the next version adds a layer of richer Renoise experiences to those who are serious and willing to make their own efforts, then instant gratification-ists will have a harder time getting their ego massaged.

They will drop out and get replaced by other kind of mentalities. And that’s what makes 2.6 so great. I love it already! :)

I’ve seen the open source developer forum for MadTracker and yes it is open source, but they really are looking for quality programmers with at least a good amount of devoted time to work on the project (when reading through the forum topics).
I found out because i responded in the generic forum about a bug in Madtracker with some technical suggestions to improve it. I got a private message with a link to their background developer-area forum and an invitation to join the team if i thouhgt i could help out.

hasn’t it been like this for about two years now?

It also opens up the Renoise team, users and outside parties the opportunity to peddle scripts and coding services.

Then we get into threads about locking scripts, property concerns and non-community. Politics is bad for business and community.

I too imagine that scripting could be a blast, especially if attached to an instrument. BitArts did an amazing Roland 303 clone with the bare basics, I’m just curious to see what he might do with scripting… hopefully he’s a scripter.

An all in one 303 device, hah that’d be sweet. :D

I’m so horny for scripting I don’t even think about it until it’s there :D

Ok. Breathe.

Just for the record I’m apologized to taktik in private, and let him know my ire was not, absolutely not, directed at him. I was upset at the reactions of others, in particular Transcender. I was so upset I could even write a useful reply. The corrupt part of myself thinks the most blackest of thoughts in reaction to his veiled insult towards myself. I should have NEVER started this thread. It has absolutely reaped what it has sown and should have been quashed as an idea in the first place. I’m am regretful that I have wasted all your time.

Bungle I had no idea you weren’t a fan. Well I can’t exactly blame you.

I am suffering from epic amounts of depression at the moment. Maybe for a long time now. Against all rationality everything is screaming agonizing emotional hurt. It is blinding. I cannot think straight. It is like a black river of sheer malice and destruction. I do not propose this as an excuse for my poor actions, merely an explanation. I simply had to leave the IRC channel today as well, perhaps indefinitely. In my current state I cannot deal with people like nexusdawn, let alone here someone like Transcender. My fault, not yours.

After the next beta cycle I would like to join the Alpha Testing Team, if the previous offer still stands open. I’m tired of my whining, bleak and unsupportive attitude and would like to help out in a more hands on way. I have the time. I want to listen. I still want to believe in the project.

I would like vV to close this thread after this post. As far as the original thread starting topic goes it is now redundant. Please finish it.

I would like my forum name changed to mr_mark_dollin. That is who I am. I am no longer Foo? That person is now dead.

Guys: All is good. Mark: I apologized - had to - not you. Last weeks have been a bit strange here for many of us here. Lets move on and see what comes next…

What about creating some music in the meanwhile?

That wasn’t meant in the “I hate MMD way” it was more of a “I am not friends with him and don’t really know him” kind of way

Anyway from some of the remarks i have seen in here lately i think it is time to just read this forum and no longer post at all
Seems the safe bet


mr_mark_dollin, I have changed your display name to yourself :)

your login name stays as it was before, if you want it to be changed too, tell me.

I can understand your emotional state somehow. I have been through it the last months, and I think this is something like kaneel is currently facing with. I cannot help in any way other than saying: stick to your objectives and focus to them, make music when you want to, otherwise listen to it, but never forget that your current emotions can cause you big troubles with other people, so think twice than you are used to before making any move