Faster Release Cycle

Ah, earlier I didn’t mean brevity. I meant genial or geniality, pleasantness, camaraderie, friendliness.

this is the 2.6 announcement taken from the beginning of 2.5 beta testing date.

Just looking through that quote is delicious.

Okay, I figured it out.

The Open Sound Control support is using the LUA implementation.

I remember when Taktik asked about scripting, everyone said yes, but I have no idea how I would find that thread, so



I’m with Taktik too, as is everyone else Tehnik.

You don’t get anywhere standing in one spot.

[center]Once again this has gotten way out of hand and feelings have been hurt. Foo? man, purpose your idea in full, otherwise it’s just another finger being pointed at another dev that works his hardest for us the people. And the people see it as an idea with no bearing. My intentions are not to offend atall and I really respect your influence and knowledge here. I would really love to hear your stance and opinion in full Foo? and chances are I would even see your side and respect where your coming from. That’s about it for me in this topic.



hi, welcum 2 the inet! (=

learn to ignore stuff you don’t like or you just might rage quit ur life, bro.

well, i think its time for me to step up …

im the official Thread- killer here! (actually the second, right behind choice)

theres nothing more to say …

I see your thread derail and raise you one I am no longer part of the Renoise team. Worse, the trigger was a rant I did behind the scenes about, pretty much, this issue. The whole dev team was in the meeting last weekend.

Anyway, I didn’t leave on bad terms, but also not the most graceful exit either. I am mostly out because I have a baby so I am re-prioritizing my life, and Renoise forums are like bad drugs that I need to quit cold turkey. (quitting horribly, as you can see by my constant replying; I revoked my own access to the dev section though, which is much harder crack for me)

This thread is really bad timing, Foo? They call me mr parade rainer…

EDIT: Edit stamps! How I missed thee. :)

:lol: :lol:

Conner_Bw, no regrets. :)

You did a hell of a lot for renoise and it’s community.
I think every OS X renoise user has you to thank.

Thanks dude.

p.s. you don’t have to reply.

Neither over reacting or commenting on Taktiks words, I think he is a great developer please don’t put words in my mouth, I have never (As far as i know) seen one comment by him i would say was even harsh, Sometimes he gets excited (Thinking 2.6 quick release here) but who doesn’t when they have something cool they are working on ???

Again for the record , I never quoted or commented on Taktiks replies , more the replies of the overzealous ass hats
We are a short step away from becoming similar to the Reaper forum here and even though it has its useful line of information through the bullshit there is still a lot of bullshit
We aren’t quite there yet here but we are stepping towards it (As an example, How many useless images posted in this thread ? )


look, if you have a specific issue with something specific address it specificially. passive-aggressive leads nowhere.

(they’re not useless, they’re just lost on you)

That is inherently specific. :)

Just in case,
no offense Bungle, I don’t think you were speaking of me but I see where you are coming from, I agree with you on multiple points.
It is a strange wind moving through here lately. You showed a form of kinship, which pretty cool.

Lately forms of acknowledgement pertaining to discussions in several places, seems to have taken the backseat in some of us.

I just had a deja vu while writing this.

[/center]…Seriously… WTF MAN! lol! [center]

That my friend, is one of my Favorites.

Okay, well reading the first part of your reply was the intimidating part and the follow up paragraph made me interpret that you were actually aiming that towards the devs and their team:

Like i said, the the unfriendly (interpretable) tone of some members could better be withhold.

Quite, but i doubt these users do this to act like morons but simply do this to bring back some morality and sense into the bad atmosphere, most likely to get things back to an enjoyable atmosphere. I don’t see harm in these responses.
The bad atmosphere imho is the bullshit, we should nevertheless be able to discuss about whatever topic without having to feel burned to the ground by the other.
Nothing wrong with expressing how one feels about certain replies but no need to directly attach assumptions and jump into conclusions about it → because that is the bullshit that makes a topic go bad.