Flap of wings šŸŖ½

Going up :point_up_2:

Some more :hugs::pray:

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Nice! Renoisers charting :metal:

Xenobaba :alien::sparkles:


Itā€™s been almost 2 years, and no remixes from your contest? Okā€¦


Haha, I knew you were going to say something about that. The reason for the long delay was that a label was interested in the track and remixes were by label affiliates only for stylistic consistencyā€¦ Iā€™m still intending to self release the renoise remixes this year :pray:

Thereā€™s just been a lot on the docket. Apologies for the long delay

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19 place now.

Yayyyyy youuuuu congratulationā€™s :hugs::facepunch:

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Nice, guys! Hope you get rich. :wink:

Of course. And no worries! It happens when it happens, and if it doesnā€™t happen it doesnā€™t happen. Simple as that. I can imagine those different remix styles donā€™t match a release for a specific scene. :hear_no_evil:


It doesnā€™t happen and if it happens Iā€™ll think of you :hugs::heart::joy:

YAYYYYY MEEEEEEEEEE :star_struck::heart::partying_face: thank you RENOISE
7 PLACE RANKED ON BEATPORT TODAY :pray::star_struck:

Going up again. 6 PLACE RANKED :hugs::pray:

Some more please :star_struck: