For Those Of You In Europe

Who’s going to Germany?

And of course, we are in for the 6th championship! :yeah:

dont really care about football :)

there have been worldcup’s i’ve been more excited about than this one, since whoever is among the favorites - germany is surely not one of’em. whine
i’m already content incase we survive the preliminary round.

nobody cares about watching football here in america, only kids like to play it a lot. it doesn’t garner the spectator fanatacism like basketball or american football does here … not sure why, i guess our arena has enough popular sports and there is no room for one more, even baseball has been declining in popularity over the past 10 years or so

me personally, i’m not much into watching sports… but i did watch a game or two of the last world cup, it was pretty cool

p.s… what do you guys in other countries call the sport we here in america call “football”, similar to rugby without the kicking ??


Hmm… I’m not the one to talk about football too much here, because I haven’t followed anything for years now (exactly 4 years - living in the US where soccer is not big helps too), but I’d think that Germany is one of the favorites.

FIFA is just weird with their little mafia going on in the background. Anything is possible and it wouldn’t surprise me to see Germany as the champion this year.

you mean due to manipulation?
that’s “our” only viable chance to win i guess.
the german team merely consists of young and way too unexperienced players.
even if they had the experience, they’d lack the talent which other internation players possess.
the only player being worth a mention would be “ballack”… whereas he would’ve been just a standard player during the active days of andi brehme, rudi völler, lothar matthäus, jürgen klinsmann, guido buchwald, häßler, möller, etc…
i really loved the team of 1990 and it’s uncomparable, skillwise, with that conglomerated team of today.

football. in english. as opposed to the other ballsport which is called football in german over here (fußball).

well if people really want to get anal about it, they sometimes call it american football

what is the pronunciation difference? i don’t know how to pronounce that curvy B thing… is it like FUUSBALL!?? or FUUTBALL?

That’s too bad. Of those three baseball is the only thing I find exciting. <_<
…allthough I must admit I’ve never seen a game of american football…

In swedish: Amerikansk fotboll

here in estonia we call it also american football… i guess its called that way in most parts of the europe…

In USA i guess football = american football and soccer = regular football?

that is correct

What I really do not like is that the FIFA tries to “order” too much. Most tickets are for sponsors, only.

But I am also not interested in soccer

Awful news for us English with Rooney breaking his foot so close to the cup. Some of the media here trying to be positive saying he will make it but now it appears he`s broken his foot in two places.

Typical English luck of recent times with football. A few other players that are of a decent standard at the mo but none quite like Rooney. Rekon he would have made or broken our chances (no pun intended!).

These are good words to read as an England fan with Germany as notorius rivals ;). I have also learnt though never to right you off in major tournaments even when you say you are not up to par… <_<

Also be interested to hear what any Swedes have got to say about our upcoming match and whether you have any good will for Sven… :) . I personally think he is backing the right team B) :D

Hopefully our goalkeepers have learnt to keep on the line when Ronaldinho will be taking freekicks if we get to meet again… <_<

@ dj io: In Britain it is called American football also.

In Italy it is called American Football to, but it should also be noted that the real name of the other sport is soccer, not football

i dont think you call it soccer in italy (in italian) :)

we call it “calcio”, which literally means “kick” :huh:

(I hate watching at soccer, by the way; I play it sometimes and like to play it, but I prefer watching and playing basketball)

so lets make our own thread who doesnt care about wordlcup 2006? Btw. the results are given.

I hate football. Watchin`it, playing it and everything about is a fake.

woa!! An Italian who doesn’t really like soccer? odd. ;)

by the way, Brazil and Italy on that 1994 world cup final here in the US, was something that’s tattooed in my brain.

What a heart destroying, beautiful game that was. I’ll never forget it.

No no nooo…

Germany is a tournament-team which will reveal its real strength in the match… :D

I am really looking forward to it, will go to several wm-cities (without tickets though) and looking forward to meet (hopefully) a lot of people from other countries… especially english and dutch… heheheheeeeee :P