Forum Rankings


On pouet, such things doesn’t bother anyone. here, we’ll end up in a forumlife-genocide perhaps(?)

Screw me… I forgot a fitting answer:

kk ^^

just found out, that this forumsoftware is intelligent, which scares me. :o

A decrement would be an idea. Like loosing your status because of too many obivous posts in a too short time. Quiet embarrasing then: “1000 posts, new Member” :-o

Gleaned from this thread so far:

-Member: 53
-Super Advanced Member: 168
-Local Chief Member:230
-Chief Above Chief Member: 364
-Big GrandDaddy Member: 463
-Big Super Masta Member: 657
-Guruh Member: 987
-Guruh Motha Fakka is Levitating and Knows Everything About Renoise Member: 1,301
-Probably More God or Borg Than Human Member: 5,188

vV, i hope you haven’t been taking this serious, because the tone in your posts kinda makes it seem like you are…

an interesting read could be a comparison between posts count and new songs rate for each user


aahh… these days, Photoshop geeks have the power to make everything… :)

Errm, what are these numbers supposed to mean again?

i heard a story about some guy who had a furniture store back in the 1900+'s, that made him a very good living. apparently he sold great furniture and his prices couldn’t be beat. then animal rights took all his trained monkeys!
strange how a guy could spend so much time, training monkeys for his business.
then get them all taken away from him.
and scientists doing unbelievablly crazy ish to monkeys.
then get monkeys handed to them.

those numbers are probably examples for the corresponding forum rank written left to’em.
just a vague guess tho :D

I want my money back, the levitation doesn’t work :frowning:

it’s the beginning to
the reverse engineering of post numbers to rankings hierarchy gleaned from this thread.

-see, the more posts in this thread, the easier it will be to determine the actual post numbers of the forum rankings. :D

… and all this without even having to really know!

however in your time here you may notice there are transcendental rankings with which are not governed by the laws of arithmetic whatsoever.

or. just like Keith303 wrote. :)

Actually not a bad idea (i thought)

this had potentials, can i have? :blink:

I got almost all my posts by asking n00bisch questions :(

ALMOST all is just not good enough.
Move over, I am the n00b to end all n00bs.

How do I add a post scriptum???///? I don’t see the button anywhere!!! Maybe this forum don’t work correctly in Firefox??? Also drummer smiley is drumming too fast, maybe there is something wrong with my browser???
PLEASE HELP!!! :panic:

He’s not drumming too fast!!
THATS BREAKCORE!! :drummer: :yeah:

lol, exactly :w00t:

haha you took the joke right out of my mouth

what the hell happened to a drummer lol? did he get tired? :) or is it IE vs Firefox differences?

EDIT: hehe, its indeed browser dependant :) In IE the drummer is kinda slow, but in firefox he unleashes true breakcore!!