Hot Renoise Screenshots Wanted

credit: 20130621fri
credit: -

My Gameboy theme would be good for this!


edit: Promoting upcoming version? That makes me assume that there´s not anything radical gui modifications coming up in
“pattern editor, matrix, scopes or samples” ;)/>. Thumbs up!

Edit 2: Why the hell i left all that empty space on that sample in 2nd picture…

I think that pic on the front of the website is pretty nice

we were asked to do an artist feature for a magazine here in london and this is one of the pictures we included X <3

how you can resize spectrum?
i cant dot that in 2.8.1

Hi, enable the easter egg mode. Its the same shortcut as showing the Extended/more File Browser, Then use keyboard shortcuts to switch upper layer. Can be scripted too (see Paketti or search the forum for EZMaximizeSpectrum.)

in 2.7 you could only do that by assigning midi to “select upper frame tab” or “display master spectrum” or something;
Now you can have keyboard shortcuts for both “Expand disk browser to full window” and “Switch to Master Spectrum” - these 2 in succession give that particular view

I’ve been looking for the April 1st date attached to these… is it a joke or can you actually enable some “Easter Egg mode”…? I can’t see any of the options in the keys that you refer to… how do you 'Expand disk browser to full window"?

Whhaaaa! I want to draw a spaceship in Renoise too and I can’t figure out how you did it!

  1. Go to Edit, then Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences, click on “Keys”.
  3. Copy and paste this in the search: “Focus/Show Diskop/Scopes”.
  4. Assign a short-key.
  5. Show the upper frame, click on “Disk Browser”, then the “more” button.
  6. Use the short-key on step 4 to switch through “Track Scopes”, “Master Scope”, and “Master Spectrum”.
  7. If you don’t want to see the instruments, move your mouse by the border, click-hold, then move to the side.
  8. General rule of thumb when making visuals with sound, keep the volume super low or completely off.
  9. More often than not, the sound is not pleasant, and the possibility of destruction is there, equipment and/or ears.

It works! Many thanks. That’s really useful, and not just for drawing rockets.


You appear to have a quantity of pussy on your rp5’s

That is a cute bass trap.

12 years later and still the hottest Renoise screenshot around