you’d think they’d love each other having ‘re’ in their title
but yeah, just checking out Thor - would be good to have the sound along side some of my tunes in renoise and i’ve tried everything but can’t get any syncing even with MIDI Yoke.
you’d think they’d love each other having ‘re’ in their title
but yeah, just checking out Thor - would be good to have the sound along side some of my tunes in renoise and i’ve tried everything but can’t get any syncing even with MIDI Yoke.
export reason to wave and import the samples in Renoise or vice versa is an option, tho I can see why you would want rewire for this kind of thing.
hey hey! got it to sync now! in reason, i didn’t see the ‘clock’ options in the option menu, and didn’t have it ticked to external clock (which was my midi yoke 1 channal)
can you give a bit more info on how you got em synced?
See this thread about syncing renoise to cubase, maybe this will help you out