How to have a Sample Modulation Device in Pitch that makes a pitchbend change have inertia?

hi i’d like to introduce glide speed // inertia into my PitchBends.
how do i do this?

I am not sure. Is it a function like portamento on a synthesizer?

no idea, but I remember an inertia slider formula device thing;

perhaps there is a way to get it in the instrument editor through a doofer?

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Yes that is a way to do it, with a formula device calculating the inertia. You need to set up a macro to control a pitch offset, i.e. by controlling the pitch range or with an operand device in the instrument modulation. Then you have to put an instrument macros device into a doofer to smuggle it into the instrument fx. Map the macro which controls the pitch on a doofer control. Or you do the trick on a track FX, then you won’t need the doofer trick. This is because renoise doesn’t want to load the macro device in instruments, probably to prevent malfunctions by causing feedback modulations.

The formula device you have to set up with an inertia, there is the power inertia preset which works well. Then you can map the pitch bend macro to the inertia formula input, and the formula output into the macro/doofer. Now your pitch bend should have a smooth lag, that you can tune with the formula parameters.

Look, a goodie for demonstrate:
Smooth Bend Sqlead.xrni (4.4 KB)

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hi. just took an actual look at the xrni example.

that’s massive.
so yes, a doofer can be used to accomplish this.

i was thrown by hitting the “XXX Pitch FB” macro and tweaking that and thought “this does nothing”. didn’t realize this macro is for after what the doofer does, after catching the pitchbend. wild.

this requires me to really think, very clearly, about what i could do with this. thanks heaps for the example!!

thanks a lot for your work! i’ve incorporated it into Paketti Default XRNI instrument:

@OopsIFly you’re great!! thanks so much!

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