I’ve been wondering. Is it just Re Noise (in the way english dictates)
or, like in french, fonetic- Renuwaz.
What’s the right way?
I use “Re-Nose”.
This has been discussed a little bit in the past
Personally I just say it the standard way: ree-noiz
It seems like it was intended to be this way.
in czech language, we pronounce like this… “ry-nóóójs”
You should never, never pronounce this name!!!
its actually referred to as “you-know-what”.
i actually pronounce it as ‘re awesome work horse’
In sweden we prenounce like this:
Hope that helps…
I’ve started pronouncing it “The awesomeness that is vertical sequencing fetish”
“rinojz” (so ree-noise), if we do a direct translation to hungarian, it should be újrazaj. (re- = újra, noise = zaj)
In swedish it’s pronounced; "Re’nojs’.