I Can'T Do It :'(.

I haven’t left the forum, nor have gone a day without looking at this thread. I’m just not posting because I don’t feel like getting made fun of and also put down. Stop assuming shit you don’t know, thank you. In addition, I’ve been working on Renoise instead of not getting inspired by the nasty comments.

ya know man, I can/will make you some more examples, but if it isn’t your forte you gotta say something,
I understand without me just saying that it would have been hard to do just that.
I know that when people don’t say something it means they didn’t like it.

If you want something tuned toward more of a certain or specific style of dubstep just say so, I go for more of the dread and wobble, so if you dig that sound I can do more. The other stuff I don’t really work with, I pretty much stick with dread side oriented sound, but I can sometimes do others.

post a couple specific YT links to tunes you really enjoy, that might help you help yourself in this.

i’m sorry if you felt like people were making fun of you. i just read back the entire thread, and the only post that is ‘making fun of you’ is the post that says ‘stop making fun of Michael’, with the pic of the Britney-dude crying. and in the context in which it was posted, i believe it was more of a humorous reply to my post then actually making fun of you.

my post was meant to be serious, not funny. i never intended to make fun of you, or put you down. its just that when you get about 20 replies filled with advice and the only thing you reply to is something which did not work for you, you give the impression that you do not appreciate that people are trying to help you. therefore, my post was a bit harsh, because i tried to get the point across that feeling sad or depressed about something will not help you. i know that was based on an assumption, but this is a internet forum, all i can do is assume something, and in the end i believe my post was strict but constructive criticism. this goes for any other post i’ve seen here, except for the picture-post, which was a joke.

still, after all this time, your only reply is again one where you pick out one or two comments that you felt were putting you down, blatantly ignoring the 20+ posts that were helpful to you. this goes to show (imo) that you tend to value the negative more than the positive, which is exactly what i advised you to stop doing in my aforementioned post, because it works against you. even though people (or maybe even myself) are being strict or harsh at you, it is still born from honesty and an attempt to help you, not to make you look like a fool or put you down. if you do interpret it in a negative way, i can only say you are making an assumption yourself, about how people are out to make fun of you. this is not true, at least not in my case.

It’s impossible to understand exactly what you want help with, you say you can’t do anything in Renoise, does that really mean anything?

Do you know basic stuff like plotting in samples in a pattern?
If so it’s just a matter of creativity and experience to be able to make great music, if not, push the record button (white dot) and try again. ;)

i think i know how you feel, michaeldaelo, i’m a beginner myself and i have these phases from time to time as well. producing is seriously not an easy thing, especially in the beginning it’s a pain in the ass. but the people on this board are not wizards, they can only show you the way that you have to go yourself. actually there were some good advices here already, but the essential thing in the beginning is to have PATIENCE! and it can take YEARS until you accomplish something neat. you have to accept this. that’s all.

Then it wouldn’t have hurt to at least give a small thank you notice for the tips that people here gave you so far.

You have had many chances to prevent “the fun making” part (your assumption) from getting started and could also have prevented it from “going worse” (your choice).
People don’t know shit because you didn’t told anything.

Everybody works different, but if you get yourself involved in this community, becoming a part of it is the usual thing to happen.
This forum isn’t just a stale answering machine where you push a button, ask a question and receive information. Otherwise we’re going pretty strong together here, thank you very much as well :)

when I got here, I got trolled hard.
Then I was like, listen up mother fuckers!
and consequently trolled 200% harder on everyone even the nice people that let the btards do what they do.
I did not give a fuck who anyone was.
In fact the bigger they thought they were, the more reason they showed, I felt it was my duty to show them my penis.
Because they were in fact total dicks and still are. XD

I did that for quite awhile, then I changed direction because I wasn’t as pissed,
now I just have quite a bit of seething resentment and loathing toward the renoise community.

not so much the program or the devs, they will help you when the rest fail miserably.
but it’s not so bad, because now I’m the smoke monster on an island of lost souls ready to be disappeared.

@101010: wow, i joined like half a year before you did, and i cannot imagine who those trolls around here might be. seriously, i have had nothing but good times on these forums.

You look a bit like a troll though rhowaldt, i’m not so shure that’s really your dog. :P

Not shure why anyone would want to stay on a forum if they disliked the other users so much, but i wonder if 101010 is being ironic? :unsure:

there are no trolls on this forum

I’ve been here since long time.

Hey bud! I totally thought you left due to our last convo… Sorry… Glad you got going with some Renoise!! But the point is that we’re not making fun of ya at all… Welcome to Renoise and may your stay here be plentiful and full of sucess. Please feel free to ask me any questions directly as I have stated in my previous messages and good luck!

P.S. Do you want to do that back and forward we were talking about? We can keep it simple with just samples and renoise DSP’s… Really lets do it… I will take time to do this for you. =)


ah, i was just looking at the date on your user, but i suppose you had another one before that? still, i don’t see the trolls around here, but maybe that was back in the day?

yeh a couple before, now when I trollin, they message me saying “Please stop it.”

it works.

I made a few 1 pattern dubstep demos, in case guy wants to look at.

this one is the last one from the batch:


I might be, but I don’t think I’m doing this in vane, just having fun making little tunes to listen to and play with.

Will people please learn the difference between irony and sarcasm!!

I’m not the majority, i’m just one guy. When will you learn that?

Ok, maybe it was a sarcastic remark seasoned with irony, bite my head off.

You may be just one guy but you see it all the time, and to be fair most of it is down to the fact most Americans do not know the difference and you often hear the word Irony on American TV and Film when it is not even vaguely related to real Irony but is in fact (poor) sarcasm.

Not being a native English speaker you can probably be excused more than most (although Europeans using American lingo can be slightly annoying at times) but it is just one of those things you come across far too often IMHO.

can you be more specific about the American lingo, so i can avoid that kinda thing?

As long as people understand what one tries to say, then there sholdn’t be a problem imo. No one is perfect.


To be fair Irony does have the use expressed above, although we rarely use the term in the UK. That would be Verbal Irony, whereas when we say Irony we usually mean the Situation Irony type (which Alanis Morissette tried to illustrate with her song but only really got on the ball with a few of the examples.)

May start some kind of English Bastardisation thread later if you really want but not sure we should sidetrack this one too much…