I Want To Be Venetian Snares

I see…

I want Venetian Snares to be me.

You are wrong. You should sleep now.

I thought it’s “most importantly : be happy.” ?!

I found a solution. I just claim to be venetian tomdrum aka Loussa aka seagoosen aka Keith404 aka dug-dig aka marc flake

who the hell is venetian snares ?

he is the musician who inspired you the most :)

Just be yourself. Venetian Snares’ music is good because he was himself. Make music that comes from your heart. Be different from the others. If Venetian Snares’ music was like everyone else’s, would you like it?

Get Cheese Now.

I think VS is really talented but I think I wanna be marc shake. The nickname sounds shakier :)

The long and expensive surribiscular diagnostics followed by regular extensive megalotherapy (all under the strict supervision of my personal matrix analyst, of course) revealed the mind-crushing truth to me:
there is NO such thing as Venetian Snares inside my mental or physical frame. Therefore I can’t but refuse the very existence of such a thing as Venetian Snares, which (if such thing ever existed) will inevitably result in its total and irrevocable termination. It should be complete, as of now, I suppose, as I type this.

There is, however, a different thing: Martian Claps. And THAT I most surely can be. Which I am trying to attain.

:blink: did that just make any sense?? :unsure:

huh? what are you talking about?? :rolleyes:

You’re forgetting one thing. As you read this you are taking on concepts. These are mutagens. You have no will. My prophetic advice would be to stop reading this. Stop reading now. Go on. Do it.

Huh? What? That didn’t make any sanese ta me. i ken nut urdestend vat yi mian. Ey em mercurian sticks. Parlofure mercurei?

… I want my 10 bucks back

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Canadian Cowbell, Timbuktu Triangle, German Gong… Russian Rimshot? American Agogo, Swiss Sleighbells… Haitian Hihat! I’ll force myself to stop now.

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You’ve gotta be the only person I know of who wants to receive gonorrhea from an alien :blink:


this thread is getting out of control :D