I Want To Be Venetian Snares

are we talking about custom controls now? I didn’t know this was a programming forum :o

I Love Lamp.

I have a little lamb.

/me slaps Vsnares with a large trout.

Oh, btw - starting to love the renoise-irc ;)

Who the heck told me to watch orgazmo
<mr_mark_dollin>not Foo?
to watch foo?
<mr_mark_dollin>I recommend
<mr_mark_dollin> :P
<mr_mark_dollin>that’s a good start
<mr_mark_dollin>makes you reject economic rationalism

  • MarcShake is now known as marc|afk

I want Foo to be Venitian Snares and I want Venitian Snares to be Foo.

Repeat after me a thousand times and then answer this question as fast as you can:

What is your favourite colour?

Green and Pink

Half past five.

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and why i am not suprised ;)

I wonder when snares is going to post here with “Everyone else on this forum is a f**ing twt”

I think he would drop something far more offending.

I want to be me too.

Well that’s good! At least you’re not so anguished that you want to be somebody else. Now, ignore these silly people and finish your next album already!!! It’s been so long!!! :lol:

me too!

pikachu kicks mewtwos ass.

(and I dont like those CGI-cards. the drawn ones are cool and the play-doh ones are great)

Jerk off 6 times a day and don’t eat anything but cucumber for a year. Then spin around about 78 times and repeat “Kikkelis kokkelis, mitäs läksit” twice. This must be done in a public spot. Then try to throw up. If you succeed and the result is a hairball, you must make a wig out of it and then you are VS when you wear it.

shit, i have to try that, sounds like it might actually work!!

hey, at least you know who you are

my precious bodidly fluids

and thats X-actly what vsnares soundz…a farkin amphetamine junkie

kikkelis kokkelis, mitäs lä’ksit…muahahahah!!!

piece piss peace off