I went from Linux to Windows and workflow gets better

Yeah, and what to think of audacity? Even for a lot of windows users a to go to tool when it comes to audio restoration :wink:


Audacity is…erm… great when you are broke. But it’s not “good” by any modern standards. It’s cumbersome and bellow average in term of functionality. But it’s useful when that’s all you got.

(and it’s not realtime)

Man, if you do not linux i respect that, and that’s totally cool.
If you use tools that are not supported on linux, then use windows, period. Do not blame Linux for the developers not handling linux env, too! (which is also totally fine, they have financial goals and they do their business game like everybody else). BUT that doesn’t make linux bad OS, just because it doesn’t support the tools that YOU use

Linux audio env is not underdeveloped. it’s the plugins which you USE - that are not supported
Bitwig is not underdeveloped.
Mixbus/Ardour doesn’t suck in comparison with Studio One (presonus)
i’m out since this whole talk is pointless.

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You remind me a few years ago :slight_smile:

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I don’t care if anyone uses linux. But I think that it is absolutely untrue to say it is “as good” or “better”.

The only thing it is better at is hacking. So if a beginner hesitate between Linux Window on Apple, I think it is extremely misleading to say they are equally good.

If this person wants to do some weird arduino/OSC/Puredata/Rasberry Pi stuffs… then sure : linux 100%.

If you do electronic music (or simple recordings) and are fine with stock plugins… and if you already have linux: yeah, stick with it.

But any other cases: Windows (or if you have the money) Mac. It just have more possibilities and less hassle. It’s fact.

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Oh brother, give us a break :smiley:
i would love to see you installing an vanilla slackware and ‘start hacking’ right away… please make a video session.

why would you need linux then? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Windows cannot come anywhere close to what MAC is for end user, period.

not more possibilities, but the easiness of use, i agree

simple recordings? why would you record simple stuff on linux and complicated on windows? does your OS determine the complexity of your music/notation/recording? wow man :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: you can get really complicated in ardour, in both editing and recording, and i do not get your point, why ‘simple’?
i will take note: on linux play some simple chords with no polypthony, on windows play fugues from J.S.Bach or palestrina’s most complex counterpoint vocal pieces.
this is soooo pointless :DD


As I said, you reply exactly as I used to when I didn’t know any better. I too was convinced to be right, I wasn’t.

I know you’ll want the last word so please have it.

you are coming from the future, how cool is that? :smiley:

what does ‘better’ mean to you? using notepad++?
something that is ‘good’ for you is opposite for someone else…

i won’t ask anything but, just please explain me ‘simple recordings’

and i never did say i’m right and you are wrong, that’s something that you expect obviously…
i just reply to your questions with facts that i’m aware of, and you, all of a sudden, get this as an insult/personal attack. Be it like that then :slight_smile:

I’m using linux and i’m happy :slight_smile:
Recording … Reaper
Tracking … Renoise, Sunvox
Live guitar playing … Audio Assault’s RVXX, Sigma, ReAmp, aIR Impulse Loader, Duality
Joy … VCV Rack, DIN is noise, Virtual Ans, Frontieres

It is just about priorities, make music not flame war !)

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@Tumulte you have misinterpreted my post. I was talking about commercial developers and Linux, not free open source. Open source is more like an active example of evolution theory. It is what it is.

I’m not sure why you are vehemently defending the path of least resistance as that is inherently unnecessary. It is the path the majority will take; every one can see and hear the stampeding herd, it doesn’t need evangelising.

It seems to me that the majority of your “points” in this thread (I use inverted commas due to the factual accuracy of most of them being questionable) seem to stem from a general lack of technical ability—which is fine, not everyone sees computing as a hobby or way of life; instead seeing computers simply as tools. Your comments about seeming to “need” specific plugins or software to complete a given task suggest it as does the way you sling derision at anything that seems technical in nature (Linux, Jack, OSC, PureData, Arduino, Raspberry Pi) to the point of referring to those things as “weird” and even going so far as to suggest that somehow OS choice is related to the availability of audio samples? Which all leads me to wonder… why do you use Renoise to make music? I only ask as it is a more technical approach to music making and therefore doesn’t seem like it would suit your tastes. I’m imagining something like Logic would be more your thing or perhaps Bitwig/Ableton if sequencing is your focus over recording.

Anyway I think I will bow out of this discussion now as I can’t see any point continuing with it. It’s going nowhere. You use Mac OS and I’ll use my custom Arch build. We can both be happy with our choices and just get on with making music.


:joy: :rofl: :sweat_smile:

After 1 year of making music with Windows I’m now back in Linux and…I AM HAPPY :slightly_smiling_face: & ENJOYING :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: making my music with Linux again. https://mxlinux.org/products/

PEACE - LOVE - HAPPINESS :people_hugging:


Many spys in windows…impossible to protect from them

it exist a free plugin to execute ,for example,a windows Vst plugin ,in a Linux session…Via another windows computer…

I don’t remember the name of this system


I love Linux and I am not very proficient at “Linuxing”; for me it’s more of a feeling. It just feels better when I’m in a Linux OS. That probably doesn’t make any sense.
However, because I am not good at “Linuxing” I really can’t be bothered to learn all the ins and outs of the OS when it comes to troubleshooting. So, I’m forced to succumb to the Microsoft overlords.
Ignorance is bliss and I’m just happy that everything works. Especially when it comes to deadlines in a production workflow. I know all the alternatives to “this and that”, but it’s just not the same.
I go back and forth a lot. I feel like I’m just repeating what someone already said here, but I seriously can’t find the comment (i freakin scoured this whole thread)
they said something about “locking” certain aspects of the operating system which I’m starting to see as totally necessary.
I also agree that arguments over operating systems is futile. As with anything, they both have pros and cons and I’m glad they both exist…
Anyways I love Linux and grateful to have Renoise on my Linux machine!


I look through the Windows at backyard.
Where Linux battle with macOS.
They look very weak and clumsy.
And they can’t exist with no windows.