I would like to hear your music made with Renoise or other Daws

@Lneheb “все в порядке, я просто умер” is lovely clear sounding breakcore. That little bell-ish melody that comes in around 1:20 or so is cute & sweet, I like it. Excellent sound design. Well done.

Your “…when death will set me free” is also very lovely. The second part has a lot energy with that repeating motif flowing over it and the delayed chip tune sounds coming in, very tasty!

The 28 stabs harpsichord is also rather cool! I really like the sounds of harpsichords. As you’re clearly already good at combining genres, please considering joining Mutant Breaks Competition #15. Which is all about mixing up genres and working together. Anyway, good stuff!!

@TheBellows I think the idea of the track fits with the image of spaceship and space station that you’ve chosen. But as you’ve indicated before, your production skills are letting it down a little bit.

You might not need an app. There is a consistency to how your mixes sound to me on my system. Maybe you just need to improve your monitoring situation. Or be more bold in boosting the higher mids and highs.

To stay with Chasing Euphoria, the kick is nice and big. But the other sounds are too quiet, too far back. Making an awesome stereo mix that translates well to mono is hard, but not impossible. Just start out with making your mixing decisions (volume, eq, compression) in mono, then hard pan elements left, right, center. You’ll get there quick enough.

Tribolean Paralomite is also a neat track. Again I would say the mix sounds a little receded. I think it would benefit from being a tad brighter and more up front sounding. To give it a bit more of an aggressive, energetic sound. It’s a cool track though.

@lilith I like the punchiness of your track. Nice, clear and bright. Musically it loses me occasionally. So this tune is not really for me. If you want some feedback nonetheless, you have that higher, almost “ah, ah, ah” vocal sound / melody going on through a large part of the track. I feel that sound overstays its welcome. Think the pattern could stay, I just get bored with the sound. That’s how I feel about it anyway.

@talby Yeah for modular use! I think there are a lot of good ideas in the track, but as a whole it doesn’t come together for me. That spiky bass sound is very upfront. But I feel it has no reason being center stage as it doesn’t do anything interesting. Neither rhythmically nor sonically. If that was a lot quieter it would still drive the track and be less in the way of the action that’s currently in the background. It could probably also stand to be a little less bright.

I really like it when notes clash and there is a lot of tension. It’s something that can totally work. You can take your listener on a journey through some very dissonant tones without losing them. The key to that is that needs to feel intentional. I have no doubt that you composed/played it that way intentionally, but it doesn’t feel intentional to me. To me it feels more like you’re wandering around the keyboard and getting lost.

I realize you took your patch down already. But with a bit more direction and assurance from you as the composer to me the listener that you actually know where we’re going, this could be step right up a couple of notches. That’s how I feel about it anyway. Happy patching!