I would like to hear your music made with Renoise or other Daws

Thank you very much! The video is just a test clip but I decided to do a little storytelling too with that song. And yes, it was filmed in Finland. I’m now making some more nature and scenery videos and composing all the music with Renoise. Thanks for the hat advice :+1: I will try that for sure.

I pretend to be a singer sometimes :smile:.The thing is when i hear something that touches me ideas come in my mind, so if something good comes out i will send you the clip.

I have a couple of tracks coming and i promised myself i will finish them by the end of the year.

Thanks for compliments! It always feels good that someone actually likes these songs. And yeah, I’m not very active. It’s the basic problem with time. Job, family etc. and then creating some music. Making music doesn’t feel work but all that promoting stuff feels like it so I have decided to mostly skip it. But maybe I should be more active at least in this forum. Here people actually are interested in music and I get good feedback. Gonna tame the hats a little bit next time. :slight_smile:

Great! :+1:

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Really fun to listen to, thanks for sharing this.

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Okee Dokee
Here is another one from the mad lab of Papa Dum Tek (me) All made in Renoise of course.


thanks! glad you enjoyed it :slight_smile:

been loving playing that thing. like a sound meditation and a good counterbalance for the heady process of electronic production

I’m on a roll lately, feels good churning out songs :boom:

Here’s my latest called ‘CHANGE’, it uses Arturia ARP 2600, SEM V2, Emulator II V, Mini V3, Jup-8 V4 and the 303 is phoscyon 2 from D16 and a bunch of various FX.


Here is my idea.There are some artifacts in the recording but will do a better one if you like it or maybe you have ideas for improvement


Definitely!!!Great track crystal clear and super vibe

Wow :heart: That was impressive! Very nice and you really can sing! Liked your voice. I’m seriously touched. Your singing put this on a whole other level. Can i send you that song on wav file somehow? If you want a better quality to work on?


that song is great! if you need help in any aspect, i’d gladly help :slight_smile:

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You could send me the stems so i can have all instruments separate and maybe come up with a slightly different arrangement.Upload them somewhere like google drive .

Thanks friend will do if i am stuck

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Another try with Reaper.

Love ya all.


I just improved the mixing a bit.

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another darkprog attempt WIP. not really done yet, but good enough for weeklybeats lol



Nice one mate!!!