I would like to hear your music made with Renoise or other Daws

Hi all! Here is something new from me. It is actually a 3-year-old song, but never released before. Done with Renoise as usual. Could sound a little bit mushy at times, but there’s a lot going on. Maybe too much…


It sounds a little better, but i still think the harder parts of the track is too intense in a way, it’s like some resonance that slams too hard on my eardrums, while the quieter parts sounds excellent. It may just be me, i trust my ears less and less these days.

I made a new version of my last track now with your and eretsua’s advice in mind and i think it sounds pretty good now. Mono compatibility is improved and i think it sounds clearer and with a little more space. Just need to take some breaks from it and listen to it on different devices before i post it.

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I assume you’re talking primarily about the “high note synths” that have strong mids and upper mids respectively high mids. High mids tend to sound “harsh” very easily if there are several of those instruments playing at the same time. It’s always the hardest part to mix if you ask me. The goal is always to keep these instruments audible if all your instrument tracks are playing in parallel, but without too much overlapping and getting harsh. In case of the recent song I think it was already good in the original upload, and after reducing the amount of exciter it’s even better. I could drop the exciter completely, cut more high frequencies and/or turn down the volume, but this would result in nearly inaudibility of those instruments when all tracks are playing in parallel, furthermore it would add muddiness to the mix. Now it sounds the way I want it to sound (which is still a little crispy to maintain clearness - I think that’s what most Synthwave stuff is lacking, but I really appreciate the mixes by Waveshaper), even on Soundcloud (and that’s always crispier than in reality). All I did is to reduce the amount of exciter in the master to a minimum and decrease the loudness of the hihat by 2 dB.

Cool. Yeah, and I think it’s not a bad idea to post it on Soundcloud in private first to check to upload quality, too. That’s something I’ve never done myself, and maybe this needs to be changed. This way you could check easily several devices at several places. One can drop this step if one’s convinced of one’s mix (personally I am in most cases), but it could help either way. :slightly_smiling_face:

Pretty nice song with a pretty nice mix, sounds very good to me. I also like the video. Well done! I like your style.


Thank you so much for such kind words. That means a lot to me :heart:

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2 sounds more pleasant, but it’s quite subtle. There’s a plugin called soothe that can be used to tame the soundcloud artifacts. Someone replicated this in SunVox:


Great Track btw!

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Thanks, glad you like it! :slightly_smiling_face:

Taming Soundcloud artifacts before uploading the file? How should that work? But yes, the sound on Soundcloud could result in artifacts that aren’t in the original, too. It’s not always like that, but it can happen. For instance, I’ve noticed artifacts and tiny glitches in this upload right away (in contrary to that the original is fine):

And as I said, in my experience the sound on Soundcloud sounds generally worse (usually “harsher”) than in reality. The difference is mostly subtle, but there’s clearly a difference. I’ve already killed unwanted harmonics of those high mids by surgical EQ usage. So you say “2 is more pleasant”. The question is: Is it pleasant enough for you, or do you think there’s still some work to do? Tbh, for me personally it’s “pleasant enough”, the main issue was the hihat’s volume.imo. But reducing the amount of exciter was also damn right. :wink:


Done with Reaper.

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Project grew a little more:

Final Version:


Both version are totally fine. No one will hear the difference imo.

Nice drones,would you mind explaining the chain a little more in detail (patchbay?mixer?) I love feedback,some really nice sounds to be found using it.I also have the Td-3 mo,great synth for the price.

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Here’s the updated version. Pretty sure it’s an improvement, but still not entirely sure it sounds good enough? What do you think?


Sounds better than the first version, especially the guitars sound thicker. I think it´s good, but I have little experience with mixing “rock”.


Well done!!!

slightly microtonal


Pass, even if the kick is way too loud. :wink:
I’m not sure if I like the first original version or this version the most.

Much better! And it’s good that you’ve dropped the “bubbling”. I would increase the volume of the second instrument that’s starting at 0:25. And I would do something with the drums, especially with the kick. Probably increase frequencies around 1000 Hz and some mids. Or just make it louder. This kick is very soft, almost inaudible if everything is playing at the same time, and that’s not because of a lack of bass. Currently the guitars appear to be louder than the kick.


Yeah! great! :metal:

I’m not so sure i agree with the 0:25 instrument, but the drums sure could use some refining. I don’t really have a good set of drums for rock/metal, so i find it notoriously difficult to make sound realistic. I need to stock up on some good samples i guess, as for now i only have some free samples of varying quality.

I just found out that Melda is making a guitar plugin which seems pretty good, i downloaded the beta for free. The GUI isn’t as fancy looking as Guitar Rig, but it seems to have plenty of great amps and other useful stuff guitar related. Can’t believe i just downloaded it for free, just hope it wont deactivate after a certain date like some betas does. :smile:
I’m already working on a new track, so i think i will leave the last one as is for now.

Yes, kick is too loud and I think also the bass is to loud. This happens when you mix with your eyes instead of your ears :joy:

I think I am on something here.



I dont know how you guys compose on such high bpm but i love it!!!