I would like to hear your music made with Renoise or other Daws

ah yes, the weekly beat
some squelchy bass beats and anthemic stutter progressions this week. not psytrance lol

@Jonas Nice Track!


A bit late but @EETTEE, your Meshuggah inspired Curse is way cool! Maybe a tad overly loud but very neat stuff nonetheless.

Demiurge Pt. 1 is wicked, too. I think the loudness there works better than in Curse. Really digging the tension in that track!

@ToybOx Listening again to your 5/8 tribal rhythm, human junk. So freakin’ tasty! Moarrrr plea-zuh! :heart:

@slujr Tank Trips is nicely hypnotic. And weirdly quiet and introverted compared to your usual fare. I quite like this. Think I kind of like it when you restrict yourself in the amount of colours you use in a single track. After the 3 minute mark it does get kind of samey. Think it would have benefited from having a percussion loop coming in on top of it. To recapture my attention. But neat track for sure!!! :heart:

The opening of Kaliyuga is more typical of your style. But the part starting around 1:30 is very different. Not 100% convinced it’s a good fit. But when it gets gated and rhythmical it works well, I think. And when it comes back again I feel it does work better, yes. I prefer Tank Trips.

@Jonas IDM’y Drill, part of that track is quite good. The parts where some more things are happening. Other parts feel a bit unfocused. I see you mentioned procrastinating that week so maybe that’s what I’m hearing in there. That breath / inhale around 2:20 is perfectly timed, btw. Overall it reminds me a bit of Skee Mask’s work.

Slow Jungle is nice. I like the sounds you’ve layered in there. The pads do feel a bit too overly dramatic for me. But that’s just my taste. Neat stuff!

170 bpm jungly beats is neat. It seems to build up to this massive and aggressive sonic violence. But it never delivers that. Which is a nice tease. Cool stuff.

@Beatslaughter lovely droning texture. I quite like the sound of it. I like it that there is even some kind of progression in it. Nice!

@Jalex I listened to most of your tracks. 8 in a row is a bit much for me. Especially since they are sonically kind of similar. Don’t get me wrong, they are very cool sounds. And the patterns are nice, too. But a bit too much of the same flavor, for me anyway. TR00clctnSMPLS stood out a bit because it has a bit of different sound.

@TheBellows I think the puppet is cute. But if Wiggly is your idea of cute music then I don’t know if I wanna hear what you think is creepy music. :wink: It has some good sound design in there. The mix feels a bit muddy/dense. I think your tune would be better served with a cleaner mix. But cool track.

@Digital_Beat That’s a sweet little track. Kinda disappointing that it’s over when it’s starting to get going.


@Kaao That’s an old school sounding track. I dig the energy of it. What’s the deal with the video though? Why are you showing those people? What’s your message, so to say?

@oleg71 Singing Robot In The Philippines is a weird track. It gets pretty micropolyphonic towards the end. Like GyĂśrgy Ligeti / what is used in 2001: A Space Odyssey. I very much like the sound of that.

@strobotone Renaissance Man is nice and funky. Gives me a strong Daft Punk vibe. It’s a good little track. I like the flourishes on the key. And the way the track expands into the stereo field is also very neat! I do feel the kick is a bit lacking. Can’t help but think that if that would be thumping you’d have a banger on your hand. :heart:

If you don’t mind me saying; Around the 5 minute mark I feel it could use another top line over what’s already there. To really push it along. The last part around the 6 minute mark, where things start skipping a bit. That doesn’t work for me at all. I feel the track loses focus there, dragging down the greatness that came before it.

@keith303 That is some excellent sound design you’ve got going on! Some of the visuals are also very nice. But I gotta be honest and say that I don’t feel any connection between your music and the visuals. Which is a pity.

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Thank you for taking the time! I am not able to describe it in such detail. Yes, it mainly comes down to the arrangement.


thanks for your feedback !
well, i am not a director, not even a musician… actually a try-hard on both realms.
to my defense: the outcome of what that AI video engine tends to produce seems to be a bit arbitrary at times, so i somewhat took what it gave me and tried my best (which of course is not enough) :wink:


I think you’re doing good in the musician department. Maybe also in the video realm. I mean, the fact this particular video doesn’t work for me doesn’t mean it’s bad. If you’re happy with it, that is what matters.

Well, there’s your problem for you. :wink:

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Taking my new Kobol Expander for another spin. A slow burn of trippy melodic ambient techno.


While I’m at it I might as well drop this distortion fest, bordering on power noise. Harsh & hypnotic:


Vielä hetki, done with Reaper.


I tend to ignore tracks that I can’t play right here in the thread, but for you @cursed I happily make an exception. Great stuff as per usual from you. I like the speed of the drums and contrasting slower parts. Lovely stuff!


Thanks for the feedback. All of the tracks or a specific one? We use Vocaloid which sometimes can be a bit difficult to master.


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This is the smooth type with no ribosomes:


That’s a nice track @TheBellows. I’m not the biggest fan of the opening sound and that keeps on playing through out the track. But there are many fun little sounds along the way.


Jup, good stuff. Not sure about the note switch at 5:58, sounds slightly crooked. Personally I would switch from the first to the third line (starting at 6:39) and drop the second one.

I like the first and the last part of that song, it proves that you could create stuff that has some more structure. The instrumentation is also pretty nice. But there’s no TheBellows song without some weirdness, right? 0:54 to 2:07 is definitely the weird part, and personally I would prefer the song without that part. Those parts turn every song into experimental stuff and the structure gets kinda lost.

That fits my taste, especially those chords. And personally I like the video, too. I mean, it’s just a video for an instrumental electronic song. No need to show specific stuff, anything fits! Those who don’t believe it should go and watch some old videos of electronic music. :wink:

Martin! You’re not posting much and you’re not creating many songs, but every time you show up I already know that your sound is gonna be great, regardless of the music style. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you @TNT. And I 100% agree. I messed up by selecting that pattern. I tried it out earlier and didn’t like it. But crucially I did not delete it prior to starting the recording. :sweat_smile:

Thanks T !
You know how things are. I lack the uninterrupted time needed to finish more than 2-3 tunes per year. But it is always worth the effort and a reminder that even in dark times good things are surfacing if we keep moving. Also, after 30+ years it is becoming increasingly hard to live up to ones own expectations. But since it is a lifelong passion and one of the few things left which keep us going and connected, we can not stop.

cheers, pal !


TD3, TD3-MO, Cynthcart, SP-404SX, Renoise

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hello! first post on the forum. not sure how to properly embed


Welcome Predawka! Just post the link to your track on soundcloud on its own line without any formatting and it will embed properly. Don’t make it a link.

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