I would like to hear your music made with Renoise or other Daws

Note in my notebook: It’s not unlikely that I like everything made by FFX.
Your track reminds me of Bandulu, in this case this track, which is 26 years old. Good old times!

Cool tunes, nice chill-out ! :+1:t2:

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@TNT Thanks for the kind words, still have to improve mix and composition. Wow, that is a really oldschool track!

still have to improve mix and composition

Me too. Just like everybody else. :wink:
But mix and mastering hasn’t to be absolutely perfect, the composition is much more important (I would prefer a well done Amiga MOD to a perfect mixed not so good professional composition every time). And if you ask me you’re doing well. Too bad that your tracks aren’t available, and even if it’s just for listening without the possiibility of a download. You should make your SC available for the public. Or at least a few tracks. Especially number 14, which I still need for the collection. :slightly_smiling_face:

Wow, that is a really oldschool track!

Which one? The Retropoly track? Yes, SID all the way with a couple of 808.

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Could I highlight and tiny adjust a bit.

Just writing plain notes as a continuous stream of smooth flowing (re)harmonization of a theme is…well…


Well, that’s not exactly what I meant, but why not?! :wink:

My latest track:


beautiful track man! so smooth

funky groove
something i did in renoise, used drumdrops funk kit, chopped part of a song (vocal) recorded whistle, bass, guitar and organs are from eastwest/soundsonline goliath.


Out today:

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Getting wet:


Zebra2 really is a fun synth. Still scratching the surface only hehe


It reminds me so much of Big in Japan. Catchy little tune. Anyway, if this all Zebra2 it sounds like a good synth.

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Thanks, it actually is a Gazebo I like Chopin remix in early state (I don’t like the original verse, so I have to imagine something new), yes, all sounds are Zebra, except the piano. I found it interesting how much “analogue” Zebra can sound.

Sounds really nice :slight_smile: The bass is superb, what did you use here, is it a preset or did you design it by scratch? There are some good preset packs out there, not sure if I should waste time with preset design. On the other hand, if you want some very special, very fitting sound, presets won’t help too much maybe.

I like it i think the groove is good and you have combined different elements beautifully, Maybe the bass needs more work near the end to fit better

Marvelous track and i second what eretsua said about big in japan and i say this as a compliment

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Sounds really nice :slight_smile: The bass is superb, what did you use here, is it a preset or did you design it by scratch? There are some good preset packs out there, not sure if I should waste time with preset design. On the other hand, if you want some very special, very fitting sound, presets won’t help too much maybe.

Thank you! The bass is a Serum preset I adjusted a little. That’s what I always do. I don’t have the time and the knowledge to create own presets from scratch purposefully. So I’ve got thousands of presets from several VSTs, and mostly I change and adjust them the way I need it. Why should I start the time-consuming process of creating own sounds from scratch when there already are millions of presets which can be adjusted? Why should I do this work someone else already did? If I would take my time for creating sounds there would be much less time for creating songs. But if I could create sounds purposefully and I would know exactly what to do for getting the exact desired result, I probably would do it. But every VST is different and I neither have the time nor the nerves to learn all this stuff. The only thing I really would love to know is how to create “space choirs”, “space pads” and one of my favorite instruments of all time, extra cool synthbasses. I watched some tutorials, but it’s more playing around and it takes a lot of time. Maybe one day I’ll start doing some own stuff from scratch, but you have to be in the right mood and you need time.

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My 2 cents on that, is that there are a lot more people making sounds/presets today than songs.

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Thanks stoix! I’ll, look into it. :slight_smile:

Here’s another one i made today:


Here’s another Renoise only song.


Definitely. That is also the problem I have with a lot of modular synth users. They spend a lot of time designing awesome sounding patches…but a lot of them don’t really do anything interesting with it. I get it though. Designing sounds is a lot of fun…and that is why I do it all the time. But it is so pointless if you don’t use it in the context of a tune.

Pro work my friend everything sound clear and crispy and superb arrangement .You get 12 points from Greece :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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