I would like to hear your music made with Renoise or other Daws

I am Greek so oriental scale is in my DNA. The bass you say i will check it out in fix it

No the bass is fine. It sounds slighlty wrong, but that’s cool. I always think you are Russian although I know you are Greek :smiley:

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Thanks for the pointers. This is more of a jam than a finished composition and i have some lyrics for it but its in a very early stage so i dont know how it will end up eventually.

That’s cool, reminds me of mid 90s Techno, could be part of Trance Nation 5 or something like that.

Wow, that was unexpected. Didn’t know that you’re also composing more electronic stuff. I like the beat, sounds like Röyksopp. Maybe I would turn the volume of the pad down, just a little bit. And the melody of the sax at 1:30 reminds me of this:

I think this will gonna be a good one. :slightly_smiling_face:

Of course, music always should be fun. Whether it’s a hobby or whether you’re a pro. :wink:
Any other opinions in terms of this track?


I do anything that comes to mind and i ilke to blend stuff that usually dont fit together.Thanks for the advise

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In this thread I’ve shared my opinion(s). Likewise you’ve shared your opinion(s).

In this thread you’ve shown me who you are. I’ve drawn my own conclusion with that (based on this thread.)

I don’t want to talk to you again, it wouldn’t make any difference to you what I say/believe.

Every opinion matters. I don’t know what your problem is, nobody offended you or else. It’s just that our opinions are not exactly the same, which is quite normal. But if you want to rate me as a person because of this thread, then just do it. Have a nice life! :slightly_smiling_face:

The question was meant for everybody, I’m sorry if this was misleading. Maybe I should have asked elsewhere and not beneath a quote of you.

Yeah, I love that, too! But I don’t do it that often. I’m looking forward to your stuff.

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Hello everybody i finished 3 new Tracks. Hope you like them a bit

Da ich derzeit noch auf Kurzarbeit bin und dadurch ĂŒber Gott und die Welt viel Nachdenken konnte, ist dieser Track entstanden, der mich durch die Pandemie begleiten wird

Since I’m currently on short-time work and was able to think a lot about God and the world, this track was created that will accompany me through the pandemic

Dieser Track ist ein Geburtstagsgeschenk fĂŒr dich Andre, Du alter Lichtkrieger :slight_smile:

This track is a birthday present for you Andre, you old light warrior :slight_smile:

Dieser Track ist fĂŒr meinen Lieblings Polizisten Boris :wink:

This track is for my favorite cop Boris :wink:


Nice tracks man i guess you like to blend styles and stuff.Keep them coming

Thanks Dude.
Yes, I like to mix, try and play around different genres.
But what costs the most time but is the most fun is to test the countless filters on the individual tracks and to hear yourself through the sample database :slight_smile:

Screenshot - 16.10.2020 , 16_57_01


Sinn des Lebens gefunden? :wink:
Found the sense of life?

You improved your mastering and the overall balance is much better, that’s good. Keep it up!

Hi, Dankeschön. Es klappt jetzt schon viel besser mit dem Mastern ,wahrscheinlich bleibt es eine Lebensaufgabe :slight_smile: Ich bin noch am austesten welche Compresoren, EQ,Filter und Effekt VSTs mir am besten gefallen. Es gibt sehr viele gute, aber nochmehr nicht so gute Plugins. Am meisten Spass macht es mir aber mit Vocodern und Vocal Samples rumzuspielen.

Mit dem Sinn des Lebens bin ich mir noch nicht sicher

Ich bin kein Christ aber durchaus ein wenig Spirituell angehaucht.
Ich gehe davon aus das Gott eine schöpferische Energie ist und alles Leben miteinander Verbunden ist und der Körperliche Tod nicht das ende ist und das wir uns derzeit zu schnell und viel zu viel von der Natur entfernen.
Ich sehr das aus uns Geschlechtslose Bioroboter gemacht werden sollen die dazu noch total ĂŒberwacht und “gelenkt” werden und so weiter. Die nĂ€chsten Wochen werden entscheiden wohin es mit der
Menschheit gehen wird

Hi, thank you. Mastering is already working much better, it will probably remain a life’s work :slight_smile: I’m still trying out which compressors, EQ, filters and effects VSTs I like best. There are a lot of good but not so good plugins. Most of all I enjoy playing around with vocoders and vocal samples.

I’m not sure about the meaning of life yet 

I’m not a Christian but with a bit of a spiritual touch.
I assume that God is a creative energy and that all life is interconnected and that physical death is not the end and that we are currently moving too quickly and far too much away from nature.
I really want to make sexless biorobots out of us that are totally monitored and “steered” and so on. The next few weeks will decide what to do with the
Humanity will go 

Let’s keep it english, we don’t have secrets here, right? :wink:
Regarding to plugins you should check this out, escpecially because of your music style. I also haven’t used it yet, but this is relevant for a “professional” production. Regarding to effect plugins I would recommend these for reverb/delay, which are the most important effects in my opinion. You don’t have to spend money for filters and compressors, just use the Renoise ones. In terms of the meaning of life there’s nothing really to say, but let’s just say that life isn’t easy and space for mankind is limited.

I made a thing:

Started on iOS, finished in Renoise

edit: How y’all getting the soundcloud widget to appear in your posts?

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just paste the soundcloud link as plain text. the forum will take care of the rest.

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Not sure I follow
 a URL is simply plain text, or am I missing something. I’ve tried it in various forms, without the https:// etc
 but no bueno

Plain text should work. Don’t make it a hyperlink or anything. Just like this:

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Well done friend. The beat is like continuous small earthquakes got me going up and down left and right until the end.

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Yeah, thats exactly what I’m doing, just copy pasting the browser URL into the post
 nothing fancy
 but it still doesn’t work
 a mystery I guess
 thanks for helping anyway
 maybe its something to do with my browser/Os?

EDIT: Got it working, the link has to be on it’s own line with no other text.

Thanks for listening friend! I like your description! :smile:

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