I would like to hear your music made with Renoise or other Daws

is this done in renoise?

So you made 2 tracks in the last 12 years :wink: Jokes aside i really enjoyed both tracks i hope we hear more from you

Haha thanks,
I made a lot of stuff, of varying quality :smiley:

A lot of the jamendo stuff was made in renoise.
The recent stuff is made mostly with Bitwig

and https://soundcloud.com/user-688438672/drowningā€¦ both started last year, but forgot about themā€¦ few ā€œI-should-be-sleepingā€-nights later I can finally put them to rest.


quick renoise sketch

aaand another one :stuck_out_tongue:


Bah, I donā€™t know, I hate pianoroll and horizontal scrolling so much. It makes me using the left brain part only, and I am left-hander!!!

Nice sketches, would be awsome, if we had some kind of synthesis / live sample manipulation capabilities in Renoise (e.g. wavetables), blah blah, but there are more important things first.

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Nice, funny to know that renoise users are also bitwig users, for me it is also the case. I guess the nerdy aspect of both daws plays a role.


I use renoise and reaper.
Both with linux.
My Reaper-Test: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJfi-jV02lU
My Renoise-Test: https://youtu.be/2xGriK0pR6w

Saw you hanz zimmer re-creation video, really cool.
I use Linux for work (developer) but I have to admit that for music production I enjoy the ā€œit just worksā€ aspect of windows, and the high compatibility with vstsā€¦

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yay. Both of those clips were done with windows because itā€™s really easier. Especially VST-Launchers like Spitfire Labs or Native Instruments Access really suck with linux.

Great one! Reminds me a bit on ESOTERIC

My first track of the new yearā€¦ I was riffing on the Microfreak (thatā€™s the main chord progression) and arranged it in renoise with more synths and drums.


Yes, all the tracks were made in Renoise, with a lot of vsts and a few hardware synths.

Crank up the volume to 11.


Boy that was fun!!!Always evolving and groovie

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Did this jungle track a while back.


I did this thing in REAPER:

Changing softwares changes workflow and mindset completely. Getting used to REAPER took some time (spent mostly working) but it was fun.

Also trying to break the one-song-per-year barrier :laughing:

Now resuming Renoising!


muy bueno! me reĆ­ con las notas del costadoā€¦ las mĆ­as son iguales ja!

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haha :slight_smile:
muchas gracias por escuchar <3