Renoise In:Depth is a web magazine about music production with Renoise. Whereas the Tutorials Wiki is the equivalent of the product manual with a broader view on subjects, Renoise In:Depth explains features and concepts in greater detail and shows how Renoise is used in practice.
As per the discussion here we are well under way to getting Renoise’s own production blog up and going - called In:Depth. It will be hosted on the Renoise server and will be part of this website.
This is an official call out for contribution. We are going to need a small team of editors, and a larger less permanent team of ‘contributors’. The roles will roughly be like this:
Editor: A time intensive position that will oversee the publishing of contributors’ articles, shape the direction of blog content, and conduct scouting work for contributors on various subject areas. Editors will be involved with blog management, as well as regular feature-items like interviews, round-ups, and miscellaneous goodies.
Contributor: We’re looking for at least 20 odd contributors over the next 12 months. Contributors will submit exploratory articles on facets of Renoise production (e.g. “How to cut breaks”, “Mastering”, or “Live Renoise”). These articles will be ‘processed’ by the editorial team and then published in the blog. We’re looking for a wide range of articles in hope to document techniques of Renoise usage to improve the community’s approach to making amazing music.
So if you think you can make any contribution to the In:Depth team, big or small, we need to hear from you. Please PM (Personal Message) myself as soon as possible as the whole thing is going to go live very soon!
A big compliment for this very nice addition to the renoise universe!
I’m surprised at the number of articles already (did the site launch today?) and have an improvement suggestion: When selecting a category with many articles (e.g. Tutorials) all 9 of the currently uploaded articles get displayed and you have to scroll through a long page. Another directory view with maybe only the name and a small (2 lines?) abstract for each article would be helpful.
Thanks for the feedback kd1, we’ll see what we can do. All of this is very much ‘in progress’.
We’ve been writing and organising articles for the last two months. We’re still in need of contributors, so any of you want to put your hand up for writing a short article please come forward. We’ll support you all the way
@Foo?/Bantai: It would be nice to see the name(s) of the author(s) next to the title or at the end of an article. Some ‘reveal’ their identity in the text while others don’t. The Using Filters Part 2 - Shaping Sonics article for example is a very nice read with many helpful tips. Right now, I don’t know whom to invite to an ice cream.