February 10, 2013, 2:54am
I’m not sure if it’s possible but, I haven’t noticed it yet if, there is a chance that instrument program parameters of the Volume Cutoff and resonance sections of an instrument can be made into templates / programs. when you load an instrument the samples and the parameters come together. it would be extremely handy if the basic ADSRs etc could be saved as empty patches with no samples associated. in that way, if any given template can either be imposed over (and or) extracted from any other instrument from this empty template, you could save a lot of time for retasking already made information, such as the ADSR sections.
I haven’t thoroughly checked yet but, 4 memory buttons in the various sections in the ADSRs of Renoise units seem to be Global for all modules. so there are only 4 basic memories for say, Volume ADSR’s.
Still planning to re-embed selecting specific sections to save/apply instead of everything in the instrument sample envelopes.