Introducing myself

Maybe it is time for little introduction

I am Renoise live musician and 3D hobbyist located at Turku Finland. Been using Renoise since 2.1. My first touch to trackers was around 1999 at Elevator party at northern Finland. I saw Fast Tracker 2 in use at the party place, strange lines of text running vertically and >BANG< I was captured for the rest of my life. Then I tried Impulse tracker, Scream tracker, but mainly used FT2. We made lots of music with friends just for fun. I remember that most interesting back then was that if you saw somebody elses tune in xm format, it was very educating.

Around eight years ago I lost totally my faith in modern society and tried to move living in forest at countryside, trying to live self-sufficiently. I was without computers couple of years. Then I started wondering what the problem is, was it the society or just me, so I came back to live in cities. I Bought a laptop and got strange calling to start doing tracker music again, found my old xm files from old hard-drive, used FT2 again through Dosbox. And then I was googling around and found Renoise, and I could not believe my eyes. I thought that tracker scene was kinda old-fashioned, but no, it was ever-evolving. Then I began to dream that maybe I would become electronic musician after all.

Then I started making music under name “Rægæ System” and I try to make my tunes danceable. At gigs I try to rearrange my tunes on the fly and I am very interested to have real instruments involved, somehow routed through line-in device.

Very recently I got the feeling that I need to start publishing/sharing/performing more instead of just dreaming and filling up my hard drive with unfinished songs : D

I have also started to move towards Linux world, now having Ubuntu alongside Windows.

Sometime ago I was googling about what really are the advantages of this tracker phenomenon. Not really found the answer but (surprise) ended up to Renoise forum to this thread -> The Tracker Advantage , found It-Alien saying: “…even after many years this program will still surprise you.”
So true, still surprised

Ha, kinda went through the same thing, started tracking with Modplug and Psycle, liked the method but I moved on to a more “modern” DAW. I still always liked watching old tracker songs in Modplug but it was just an antique to me until I found Renoise like 6 or 7 years later, never expected to find a tracker that had continued it’s development so far

Nice to see that there’s other Finns also trying to make some music. I started to use that program when had a movie project Sanelmi Murakami - Suomalainen Mies, it was 2012 or something. There was a good demo song that we used in the movie

Welcome Raegae! I am more of a recent renoise convert, having tried many things till finding renoise, what I find to be the thing I had been searching for so many years.

On a side note, I very much enjoy the sound of the Kantele, in particular when performed by a band called Nest and I am also a big fan of Tenhi. Finland is a very beautiful country, one I hope to see for myself one day.

I also encourage you to publish anything you create, i find sharing what we create by any means to be a gift that is beyond words.

You are also in good company here. :slight_smile:

Edit : Just noticed this post is from 2 years ago. Think I need to work on being a little more observant. :smashed:

No worries Abissus :walkman: You are so right “… i find sharing what we create by any means to be a gift that is beyond words.”

Juhaharsila: can you see or get that “Sanelmi Murakami - Suomalainen Mies” movie from somewhere ?