Is Jabbanoise dying? (no, it is not) [NSFW]

Since some people obviously can’t read what I actually wrote, I’ll say it in other words.

I don’t expect Renoise developers to spend more time in the forums, answering questions from users. Nor do I desire this kind of social interaction. I think we can all agree that it’s better if they’re off coding Renoise instead.

But I’m saying that if there was some kind of short and simple official statement regarding the design philosophy of Renoise (no, not in the forums, but available in e.g. the product FAQ), people would probably find it harder to tell the developers what to do better (i.e. better marketing, better UI, better implementation of features found in other softwares, etc).

Why? Because threads such as this one could simply be answered with a reference to those official words and that’s it. It would clear the fog about what value foundation Renoise is resting on, and where it’s likely to go (in terms of marketing, etc).

ok, tomorrow morning I’ll go to the local bakery, order cake and coffee, and if they ask me for money I’ll them your story and that I would owe them nothing :)/>/>/>.
No seriously, communism is a nice idea that doesn’t work as history tells us.

That said I appreciate your attitude about responsibility for the world. But for me there’s also a responsibility between business partners. Both parties made a contract.

And that doesn’t mean, that capitalism is an idea that works.

In fact, both were nice ideas if you take the idea from its base and not the execution of the idea, which involves corrupted and dumbed down humans executing the idea.
So the problem is most likely: not the idea itself, but something else needs a terribly overdue change of what?

Change of the human nature. We will have to wait until the science of biology is
further and we can finally alter the way humans function, feel and think.

can people stop feeding the troll !!!
this is obviously a troll thread so please people stop arguing for nothing… post some lolcat and keep it fun.
btw there is some wonderfull music in the renoise song forum by some rather well known producer and some unknown. that is what renoise is all about

Let me edit this, so its a bit more nice and friendly. I will give you the benefit of the doubt, that you are not trolling; instead I think you haven’t got the best grasp on the concepts of communism and contracts.

I said nothing about communism. You have no contract with Renoise. My statements were humanitarian, which is not a political movement. I made no political statement.


Oh Yes, I have like every registered user:

Contract of sale - Wikipedia.

Cite: “A contract of sale is a legal contract an exchange of goods, services or property to be exchanged from seller (or vendor) to buyer (or purchaser) for an agreed upon value in money (or money equivalent) paid or the promise to pay same. It is a specific type of legal contract.”

They got my money. I got their product and update service. What’s so difficult to understand about that ?

And please stop that nonsense about trolling. This is still a discussion related to the topic that the OP started.
All what I’ve written is my honest opinion. Even if we disagree there’s no need to get unpolite.
BTW: I apologize for the communism statement. Your posting about “owe…” just reminded me to communism.

And I haven’t claimed that it is perfect, but it’s our/my reality

Airmann, I disagree that you are owed updates.

You purchased Renoise at the time of purchase, like you would purchase a cup a coffee at the time of purchase.

Any future update, if any, is bonus.

The dev team could simply make the next version Renoise 7.0, or never release another version, and no “contract” is broken.

The free updates are simply goodwill.

What an inspiring thread. Let me just pick up that undead issue from some pages back again. Does MJ possibly use Renoise, too?

Actually I think this could indeed help. BTW: beside the developers there are also the Webadmins and probably other “official” Renoise people I’m not aware of. Actually I’d expected them to give some updates. It’s clear that the developers / Taktik have to focus on their stuff.

ok, from the “pure juristic perspective” you could be right Though, this also depends on the laws of the specific country one lives in.

However, in Backstage under “My Account” there is written:

Account owner Airmann
Licensee Airmann
Version Registered Renoise X.X
Account valid until Renoise X.X

Also Renoise advertises with the “free updates” as buying argument. See Shop | Renoise

Your license is valid for one full version. For example, if you start with Renoise 2.7 you’ll get updates up until, and including, 3.7. Our point releases pack features, not just maintenance updates. Check out our release notes and see for yourself what a great value this represents.

So of course I’m expecting that some “relevant” pack updates and not just fake updates are included. If not it would be kind of a fraud IMO.

That’s a sales pitch. Not a contract. Not a fraud.

Do you buy stocks or mutual funds? Or maybe you invest in a pension plan? Anyway, let’s say you view Renoise the same way, as an investment. The number one rule in investment is: past performance is not indicative of future results.

Or an example from my recent past. Someone I know bought plane tickets in advance. The company went bankrupt. They’re not owed a flight. There was no fraud. It’s “not perfect, but it’s our/my reality”.

Or, we can go back to the coffee metaphor. Some restaurants give you free coffee refills. Let’s a agree that’s like a Renoise update. It’s a nice gesture. Both you (the buyer) and the restaurant (the seller) assume you won’t drink 50 cups of coffee. Everyone in that deal agrees you paid for the 1st coffee, not the 50th.

That’s how I see it. The Renoise devs aren’t jerks. Renoise users aren’t jerks. Everyone meets in the middle. It’s worked up until now. (I hope).

Oh come on “a sales pitch”. Every Renoise user would be upset if they wouldn’t get their updates as promised, and also would people be pissed off if Burger King would deny them their second or third beverage. Of course we are not “jerks”, and it worked up until now. Nonetheless, I think it could even “work better” and would improve the “reality” of a lot of curious users, if the Renoise team would release just more information on the startpage. Especially about the currently delayed update. But so far, I haven’t read a single (!) statement from any Renoise Team member that would indicate that they do care at all. And this is IMO not satisfying. This is what this thread is all about: criticize “non-disclosure instead of proper information and healthy advertisement”.

With this, I agree.

That they care? They’re not your therapist/girlfriend/mom. Geez this thread is way too dramatic…

They’re not robots either. They’re people who frequently post their thoughts and opinions in the forum, just like all of us. They are capable of caring about things.

That said, I’m really not concerned at all with what’s going on with the next update. I’m not waiting on some specific feature, and I bought Renoise knowing it was good enough for me even if it was never updated again. What is there to gain from begging for information unless you have a good reason to believe there is something seriously wrong with the development? Safe to assume that if there was a major problem inhouse causing update delays, we would be informed of it. Part of being a loyal fanbase. So what’s the problem here?

This thread is funny as the moment the update drops everyone is going to be like:

U know something we don’t? :unsure:

As taktik said way back on page 2 of this thread, “Renoise is not dying.

An update is currently being worked on.

In keeping with past releases, we will not reveal anything until the public beta is ready for testing.

Simple as that.