- My keyboard sometimes randomly stops working (suddenly no notes will play any more), so I have to unplug and replug and it works again? This seems to happen when I’m playing more notes at once. Not sure if it’s a problem with my keyboard, or a Renoise bug, or my PC?
Keyboards aren’t made for pressing multiple keys at once. Could be a cheap keyboard controller that will hang or deadlock or something. Maybe buy a miniature midi keyboard, e.g. korg microkey 37. Or is the keyboard still working, like moving the cursor, but sound stops?
- How do you generate white noise?
Check this tool:https://forum.renoise.com/t/new-tool-3-0-selection-shaper/41240 See the “W ****” button. It generates a raw white noise for you in a sample slot, so then you have to loop it and add further things like volume ADSR, filter ADSR and so on in the instrument section.
- Important: How do you change the playback transpose? (Not the actual notes, just how it sounds.)
For most function you can imagine Renoise provides you with keyboard shortcuts - though not all are bind to a key by default. Check Preferences->“Keys” Button/Tab. There you can search, in this perticular case “octave”, and the view then filters for all available functionality containing “octave” (“transpose” would be like you mentioned an altering action, but you want to set the octave). I set “octave up” and “down” onto the numpad keys * and / (maybe default).
- Do VSTs work with Renoise?
Yes, and keep in mind that there also is a “sandbox” for VSTs, which aims to prevent hard crashes, if a VST becomes unstable. Note that sandbox is kind of broken in macOS 10.12 or higher. If you use hardware DSP like UAD, then disable it. If you want the maximum performance, disable it. I disabled it, Renoise still is (was) stable.
- How to show the EQ full-screen? To me, EQ is one of the most essential parts of producing music and I want as much control as possible - so the small box is really not helpful in my opinion.
Currently not possible, a pity. But you will get used to that tiny view. One pixel already is a big step. But you can at least zoom in in Y-axis, see bottom right corner. Also you can hold down shift very precise movement.
- Is there any quick and easy way to toggle on/off all effects for a track?
No. Instead create a new track pressing alt-t, and play there. shit-alt-t for delete the track again.
- I’ve been using trackers most of my life - I have a bunch of old Protracker files (.pt3) and various types of Amiga files (the type found at www.exotica.org.uk) - is there any way to get these into Renoise?
Not sure if PT3 is a custom format, or just a renamed .MOD? Renoise can load Protracker .MOD files properly. So search for a converter PT3->MOD (protracker). Old soundtracker .MOD have different pitches than Protracker .MOD, there also was a converter for that. I think it was Milkytracker, save to XM. See here