New Tool (3.0): Selection Shaper


Well, first of all, this tool is made by a japanese user “uprime22”, who sometimes helps and teachs me about some technically important part voluntarily. And this tool was originally made for fun of his own, but now it has grown up as a quite useful wave generating tool, so I want to introduce this tool to everyone here.

How to use:

  • This tool is for Renoise 3.0 or higher.

  • It appears in the context menu of the Sample Editor (“Process” >> ~Selection shaper Kai…).

  • First you should “create a new (empty) sample” in the Sample Editor.
    I recommend setting the sample length to “674” or “600” samples. Because the new sample is tuned beforehand, i.e. 674sample is tuned to “C” and 600 is “D” when you generate 1-cycle wave.

  • This tool supports stereo sample too. So you can create even a bit strange wave file like “L channel = Sine Wave & R channel = Square Wave”. :wink:

  • This tool can generate 3 noises too (White, Brown, Violet). So why not using this in ReNoise?? :wink:

  • About other operations, please refer to these GUI images below. And if you click the buttons on the GUI actually, I think that you can understand them soon.

  • And, even If you feel “these buttons are difficult!!”, never mind. There is the big Random button (it’s appeared if you click the “777” button). Just click it again and again till you get the favorite one!!

To download, please see the 5th post below, there are the files there.

5202 SS20-1.png

5203 SS20-1x.png

5204 SS20-2.png

5205 SS20-3.png


Coooool, this brings the functionality of milky tracker (ft2 also? Never used original ft2) that lets you manually build one shots without having to hand draw them!


Nice :drummer:

Hello ,

I am uprime22

I am making new version in Renoise-gate BBS.

I’m glad if you like this tool. laugh.gif/


Updated XRNXs to version 2.5.

Version 2.5: Added some wave modulating options, random-waves option ,and band-limiting option.

Menu entry is ‘Sample Editor:Process’.

[This post was edited by satobox, to be able to manage the Selection Shaper Tool files by uprime himself too.]


There are 2 GUI types of this tool.

“Selection Shaper kai” — icon version (only icons are made by satobox)
5195 org.uprime22.selection_shaper.kai.2.5.xrnx

“Selection Shaper” — text only version (original developing version)
5196 org.uprime22.selection_shaper.2.5.xrnx

Have fun!!


I’ve noticed a small issue, it always changes the base note of the sample to c4.

I will probe it.

Got this notice after deleting a previously selection shaped waveform, having the tool gui still open and pressing a bunch of icons. At first it threw up a few notices about no sample being present, but a few more clicks gave;


et cetera depending on which icon you click;

Ah yes, basically this tool needs a sample in the Sample Editor beforehand.
So at first we need clicking “Create” or “Draw” button on the Sample Editor, to create (even empty) sample before using this tool.

If you forget the procedure, such an error will appear. Indeed, it’s a bit awkward though…

Well, please take a long view for his development. :D

great tools

Is there a channce to not steal keyboard focus while using it (clicking buttons?

for example to play notes to test and have undo

Thank You for your suggestion.
I am now developing new version taking your request.

I have updated to version 1.7

Have fun ! ^_^

wow that was fast… works like a charm… THX.

I have updated to version 1.8.

Added some tiny wave modulating options,‘cycle’ and ‘shift’.

e.g. (cycle:1/4 shift: 1/4 )+ Fade with sin -> sin fade out ,etc.

cycle:100 -> ???

Enjoy making Noises ! :wacko:

awesome tool, thanks :dribble:

Bump this topic for people who don’t notice this tool has been updated. (Now it’s V2.5)

And I also updated the first post, to explain new features in v2.5 a bit.
Actually, this tool has big possibility now, so it’s hard to explain about all functions in detail, so please refer to some images above and tooltips in it’s GUI.

Especially, you can create various waveforms for oscillatoring.
And if you feel that it looks difficult to use, try the [777] button in the lower right. You can generate random waves easily. B)

Fantastic update. :panic: :clownstep: :badteethslayer:

Just a little bump to let you know thatuprime22 has kindly donated thisexcellenttool to the Renoise team.

The only thing that I really miss from this tool is the ability tocreate multiple-sample instruments - now on the TODO list.

Just a little bump to let you know thatuprime22 has kindly donated thisexcellenttool to the Renoise team.

The only thing that I really miss from this tool is the ability tocreate multiple-sample instruments - now on the TODO list.

Does that mean it is going to be included as native feature?