Hi guys! Maybe some of you already know this, but I’ve been involved in a dubstep sideproject for awhile now, with two mates: Sinus Sawtooth and Dr. Fezz. We try to make aggressive dancefloor destroyers with dramatic atmospheres, because that’s what we enjoy. Now, since Kaizoku features in the finals of Great Prize of South Holland, I thought I’d get some real opinions from real musicians about some of the dubstep tracks I’ve created for Kaizoku. So in the end, it’s just spam. But it’s dubstep, so it should be hip enough for me to get away with it.
Not just any spam, but UNDOWNLOADABLE spam on SOUNDCLOUD, spread over TWO DIFFERENT ACCOUNTS, to make your life even HARDER! 320kbps mp3 files available on request only, sorry…
@magOwl: if you don’t mind me telling, anything in particular that didn’t get you going in those two tracks, as opposed to Something in the Blood? Something in the way the track builds up/breaks down maybe…?
@BotB: It’s all about the head-nod-factor When Something in the Blood drops, it drops big… makes me wanna hit stuff The pauses work great, vocals work great. I don’t feel the others really get off, well, at least not like that. I do think, on the second listen, that they might be a little too polite tho, if I may say so
You may very well! Maybe I should consider the same mixing approach to the other tracks, as I did with SitB. Good to hear it makes you wanna hit stuff! Hopefully I can make the others have the same impact, thanks for thy input, captain!
@ Suva: At thy service! Check thy inbox, thanks for the request
Nope, I’m sorry. I’m just being careful. We’re planning an album as Kaizoku, but still working hard on material. I put these tracks up for feedback, as they are 100% my work.
overall these all kick-ass. something-in-the-blood was my fav also… spookeh!, overall your mixes are pretty sweet. i thought they all needed a bit more openness/brightness? at times it sounds a bit boxy to my ears.
btw, i hope you find a way to release this on vinyl ;]
BTW, I noticed earlier that soundcloud has set some protection to block downloading tracks with some of those hacky firefox extensions that let you download stuff you shouldn’t be able to download.
they are all pretty good. at times on one or two bits i felt like the groove didn’t quite work, like it was 95% there, but one or two bits weren’t locking together right… i mean the way the beats and bass wobbles tie-together, possibly around the drum fills at the end of the sections in particular, like on something in the blood.
production wise it is very good but there are also some things you can do to improve i think. generally, i felt like i could hear the compression too much, and it was in some cases giving your snares less impact. above the law was the strongest mixing-wise i think. on the rotterdamned one, the snare felt too thin and suffocated by compression… the bassline is simple but nice on that track, but i think you want these really big open reverberating snares to reflect that, to really get that epic feel. rotterdamned is potentially the strongest track if you can let its epic moodyness shine through better i think.
overall the production, and the bass sounds in particular are good, but it actually felt a little too bass-heavy with not enough mid range and high frequencies, so it doesn’t sound as full and bright as it might, on my monitors at least. however, i realised some of my criticism here is going to also be down to the audio compression on soundcloud.
This is going to help a lot, thank you! I’m very grateful for this kind of feedback Interesting you find Above the Law best mixing-wise, as I feel it’s the weakest, but perhaps that’s my problem. I’m trying to hard to make it boom bam bananas, neglecting the frequency spectrum, leaving tracks a bit too muffled. Indeed a bit too bass-heavy. I’ll try to get a better balance in these tracks, especially Rotterdamned, as it’s my personal fave, hehe. Anyway, time to hunt some bightness, I agree that these tracks need it. Thanks again, sir!