I have been checking in on Renoise once in a while during a few years of time. Now I finally made the decision to buy it and I’m very happy about it!
I’m coming from an Impulse tracker background and would appreciate it very much, if someone could do a small tutorial here on using basic Renoise functions with the keyboard. This would help me to get going with this amazing piece of software! I have RTFM but it seems like many shortcuts won’t work anymore (like for example “lctrl-lalt+up/down - Go up/down in file / directory list in Disk Browser panel.”)
What I have in mind is very simple! I’m writing the steps I’m looking for below and hope that someone could fill in the key presses that these steps require! It would be great!
1. Activate editing mode - ESC (this one I know)
2. Switch to “sample” mode in the disc-opt for downloading some samples - F4
3. Use file browser to locate the samples folder -LALT+LSHIFT+F1 to activate browser, UP and DOWN arrows to browse between folders, LEFT and RIGHT arrows to open and close folders
4. Scroll trough different samples for previewing them -TAB to activate file-view and UP and DOWN arrows to browse files
5. Pick a sample in to Renoise -ENTER
6. Go to an empty sample slot -LEFT ALT+UP AND DOWN ARROW KEYS does this work also when the sample list is not visible (when I’m seeing only the pattern mode)? Yes it does, cool!!
7. Pick another sample in to Renoise -TAB to switch to browser again and UP and DOWN arrows to browse folders and LEFT and RIGHT arrows to close and open folders
8. Compose something -first F1 to activate pattern view then USE THE QWERTY KEYBOARD
9. Play pattern -SPACE
10. Make a selection in the pattern -LEFT SHIFT+ARROW KEYS
11. Play only selection -?
12. Transpose the notes of the selection up by one -ALT+F2
13. Transpose the notes of the selection down by one -ALT+F1
14. Insert a new pattern and change it to number 2 -LEFT CONTROL+INSERT -->LEFT CONTROL+RIGHT ARROW
15. Select different patterns in sequencer (in order to do cloning) -??? Can this be done without mouse?
16. Clone selected pattern -LEFT CTRL+K
17. Save song -CTRL+S
This is basically all I need to get going fast with my composing. Knowing how to do these things with just the keyboard would make Renoise PERFECT for me! If you know the answer to ANY of the questionmarks, please post it and I will edit them in to the list!
Thank you very much!
Ps. Is there any info on the web for former Impulse Tracker users to help us adapt to Renoise? I found a nice IT-skin from the themes-section, but it would be nice to see if there is any tips&tricks for those coming from an Impulse tracker background. Is there any downloadable IT-style keyboard shortcut mappings for example?
Please try to bear with my english :-/