Ladies Using Renoise?

I just went on your website, randomly clicked on ladrilloids and… Whooa! So old school! Great! Made me smile. :w00t: And dancein my chair :D

Unfinished songs are everybody`s problem I guess. I have so many of them too. Recently, I found one that I started composing in 2003. I completely forgot it. But since I just bought an M-Audio keyboard, I decided to finish that song finally.

Seems like most people here has some experience with Scream Tracker and Impulse Tracker. I don`t know any of these. I started with Sound Tracker on Amiga, then moved to Noise Tracker and then Pro Tracker (they were all essentially the same). Never learned keyboard shortcuts though…


Female singers is totally another topic and out of the scope of this conversation.

doesn’t exist too much, just look up “arch enemy” on youtube. ;)

I know a lot of super-hot chicks who dance voluptuously to renoise music, aren’t they taken into account?

I’d say that’s a “use”.


Just checked this thread out again to see if any women did actually respond and was pleasantly suprised to see supersole’s posts!! Indeed, one’s sex is irrelevant when it comes to music, most endeavors, and issues. However, I have been on this forum for a bit and the thought of seeing a woman here never even crossed my mind!! It only matters (at least to me) as most might not have even noticed the absence of feminine energy…I could understand why one start such a thread…one morning you awaken and realise, “Hey wait, where are the Renoise girls?”

Video evidence or jog on ;)

Sorry, too sexy to be posted here, against forum rules :P