Last Movie You Saw And Liked

transformers was definately okay.

I am legend … watch the original with heston (the omega man), it’s much better.

you should check these out.

zone of the enders - dolores

zone of the enders - idolo (the prequel)

awesome series based on one of the most forward thinking games ever :D

saw ‘the Darjeeling Limited’ this week.
Sheer Brilliance!

also just watched ‘man or gun’,
was surprised by it, seeing old ways makes me realize just how overly complicated yet at the core completely unchanged, just like back then.

watched ergo proxy too, liked it A Lot!

ergo proxy…been meaning to get on that. thx, downloading now. i’m seeding the ghost in the shell episodes @ the moment. the hellsing/death note/berserk stuff is on the pirate bay, too

Best movie ever? Baraka. Compared to this, most everything else kinda looks like test signals to me. If you can show a movie in the same evening as Baraka without the other movie seeming like utter tripe, it must be a very good movie indeed.

It has been told.

downloading now. I’m very curious.
Thanks for the links! I will tell how I liked it

cool, i’m seedin’ 'em for ya now. lemme know what you thought. i’ve only watched like 8 episodes so far.

Ergo Proxy was strange. I really loved Epsides 1-3, from Episode 4 everything suddenly changed, the intro, the music, the style of the drawings … Couldn’t get my head around this, it seemed like they completely replaced the crew that made that anime.

Regarding Anime however, I suggest watching “Serial Experiments Lain”. It’s pretty old (1998), but a hell of a ride … Great style and mood and very, very mindbending… Leaves you in the dark most of the time, but in a good way. It’s abit like a japanese scifi version of the mystery/WTF? stuff that David Lynch does.

Also, the “Ghost in the Shell Standalone”-Series is pretty good if you did like the first movie and would like to see more stories in this overall world and setting.

Motoko Kusanagi & Tachikomas/Fuchikomas…


Pretty standard sci-fi with the usual teen drama bollocks shoved in, but the concept and execution of the teleporting was insane!

Good brainless film to watch with your bird.


visual effects were nioce in jumper! saw it at the theater. but, i couldn’t help thinking the movie was about something other than darth vader and teleportation.

It is said that Heath Ledger’s unfinished role in “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus” will be completed by one of these actors: Johnny Depp, Colin Farrel or Jude Law.


^^ Nice!