Lfo Start Value

if you want to reset the lfo at the start for every note, and not worry about x7xx commands at all, couldnt you use the signal tracker? And just point it to the “reset” function in the lfo…put both dest. min and dest. max to zero (i think) to make every keystroke or reset the lfo.
At least i used the lfo in a similar way to create a filter envelope for a vsti (signal tracker -> lfo.reset -> filter.frequency) and that worked good, but then i also have to use the “singel shot” function, and it will then behave as a envelope that doesnt run in a loop.

Also, Im a beginner, so there is a chance i may have misunderstood what yall are talking about, lol.

your thinking is correct here. in practice you’ll find that because the Signal Follower is literally following the signal, it gives different reset-values to the LFO Reset, so it doesn’t reset from the beginning each time. try it out for yourself.
a better choice is to use the Key-Tracking Device, and set those min/max sliders both to zero. because this device only tracks key-presses, it gives a much more ‘solid’ signal to the LFO, and resets it properly. indeed the best results are often with a ‘single shot’ LFO.