Literal Delay (No Repeat) On A Send

to literally delay (without the repeating effect) a sound which is on a Send (no Track Delay because no note-trigger), add a Delay Device to the Send track, and set it to:

L Delay: Length of Left Delay
R Delay: Length of Right Delay
L Feedback: 0,000%
R Feedback: 0,000%
Send: Volume
Mute Source: yes

This is revolutionary and lead me to another sawy trick.

Sometimes you might want to play the A4-Key. To literaly play a perfectly tuned A4-key, just load any properly tuned instrument of your choice and hit

Key: A4 :w00t:

Seriously, WTF? :lol: Sorry, but the original posting just made me chuckle and I couldn’t resist. :D Nothing personal at all. :) Peace! :guitar:

Some really advanced stuff going on here!

@BitArts: yeah i figured some of you would find this obvious, but in reality, it isn’t. because:

  1. the Delay Device is 9 out of 10 times used as an ‘Echo Device’ (same reason why, as a music-making noob, i never understood why this device was called ‘Delay’ instead of ‘Echo’). so using it as a literal delay as i explained here might not be that obvious to most people.
  2. as i pointed out before, normally when you’d want to delay a track, you’d do that through the Mixer Track Delay, but this isn’t available for Sends. same goes for Note Delay, because a Send does not have notes. so that is why this is a ‘trick’ to achieve the same.

remember that just because you know how to do something does not mean everybody knows it. what i explained here is not documented anywhere afaik, even though it is an extremely basic thing to want to do.

i understand this is not a personal attack, and would never take it that way. i do think you responded without thinking. i hope you get what i mean from reading this additional explanation.

I’m sorry to say, but i also had the grand temptation to call in

But i was hoping that Conner would be way ahead of me… (He usually is)
This time Bit_Arts won the race.

^ so, what about:

as i said before, this is not documented anywhere. it is not obvious at all how to delay a signal on a send track. the Delay Device is used to make echos, not to delay a complete audiostream. don’t be so condescending about something you personally know how to do, and writing it off as obvious and be done with it.

to me, it is obvious to, for example, click+hold the bottom pattern line, press F9, resulting in a completely selected column. to others, i am sure it is not. at any rate, both your and Bit_Arts comments have added nothing of value whatsoever to this tip. so why bother posting?

You’re giving away the ‘tip’: “Surprise! The delay works as a delay”.

Wow, who would have thought that!? Thanks for illuminating the dark part of Renoise. You really added true value of a tip. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to add so much value, but outrageous enough to do an unworthy reply. I’ll try to make this not happen again. :rolleyes:

Yeah, that must have been it. :lol:

Guys… Yes, it was a basic tip, but rhowaldt was only trying to help people. It doesn’t matter how simple or complex the tip is, as long as someone finds it useful somehow. If you didn’t find it useful, then you should simply ignore it and move on. Trying to belittle another user in this way just makes you look like an asshole. As a community, I know we’re better than this.


Okay, let’s quickly resume this:

There’s a ‘tip’ I personally can’t even call a tip. So I post an imho similar example to make it obvious, posting in a very friendly and imo fun way. Not a single time relating it to the person that did the original posting. And to make absolutely sure none gets it wrong, I even explicitly say “Nothing personal at all. Peace!”. Agreed?

The first respond then is “…i understand this is not a personal attack, and would never take it that way. i do think you responded without thinking…”. I just thought “Well, maybe you would also be pissed a bit. So just don’t reply to this.” The second respond, when most people already had agreed, was “at any rate, both your and Bit_Arts comments have added nothing of value whatsoever to this tip. so why bother posting?”

Then I replied and posted a (agreed: sarcastic) reply the original poster obviously would like to read, still not insulting anyone with a single word. I even took all his “points” and agreed, so the discussion ends, but my point is still clear.

I’d like you to answer now:
Who got personal first?
Who tried to belittle whom first?
Who became insulting first?
Who was the first one using the word “asshole” in this thread?

Seriously, is it possible to post anything but unexceptional technical stuff, without being considered to be an “asshole”? Is it possible just to post an opinion or make some fun? The usual result this always ends up with is SICK…

Beside this you might want to think over, if its appropriate for an admin to be the first one using the word “asshole”. But thanks for trying to teach me manners.

Good evening, “community”.

Captain Obvious is not done yet!!

  • the delay can produce interesting sounds by manipulating the time
  • it helps to hook up a hydra if you want left/right delay to be synced
  • enable beat-sync and experiment with offsets to create fake triplets
  • small delay times (10-30ms) can help “fatten up” a track

@Bit_Arts: I’d prefer not to get into a silly argument with you over this, because I’m pretty sure you knew what you were doing when you replied. In my opinion, it doesn’t matter if you half-heartedly said “nothing personal at all” in your first reply to rhowaldt - it’s pretty clear to me (and others, I’m sure) that you replied in a sarcastic and condescending manner that was intended to belittle rhowaldt’s post. You seemed to be implying that his “tip” was so ridiculously basic that he shouldn’t have even bothered posting it in the first place. Am I wrong?

Flipping this around for a moment, how would you feel if I had replied to one of your (excellent) tips & tricks posts with: “WTF?! This idea is so basic and obvious, any n00b already knows how to do it, why did you even bother posting this?.. no offense… lol”? Would it make any difference that I said “no offense” or something else like “nothing personal”? I highly doubt it. I’m sure you would have been equally annoyed that I had posted such nonsense to your thread, since it didn’t add any value at all to the original post.

There’s absolutely nothing to think over here, and no inappropriate behaviour. The fact that I’m a forum admin doesn’t change the fact that I’m a human being and an active member of this community, nor does it change the fact that I will gladly speak my mind when I feel it’s necessary. The only reason I’m an admin is to help moderate the spam that infects the forum on a daily basis, and to assist registered users with support requests. Apart from that you can consider me a regular user. You won’t get any special treatment from me, nor do I expect any from you.

Of course you prefer this, because otherwise you’d lose your poor arguments within the blink of an eye.

“Half-Heartedly”? Who do you think you are to rate my intentions? If there’s one thing to be sure, then its the fact I usually mean the things I write. I guess that’s exactly why some people here might have a pick on me. And when I’m sarcastic, it’s gonna be hard not to notice it. If YOU use to write things you don’t mean, this might tell something about you, not about me. Beside that you claimed before, I was trying to belittle rhowaldt, and not his post only. Which was not the case and which I can’t even see any reason for.

True. Still my opinion. And I’m obviously not alone with this opinion.

Sorry, but this really made me laugh out loud. Maybe you don’t remember, but I still do. Something pretty similar happened when I joined this forum. And it happened for far more complex and sophisticated tips, tricks and setups. I was working really hard for the community. Remember the results? Fighting against stupid comments brought ME the name of a flamer, nazi and similar insane and brainless stuff. I was even compared with Hitler by some psychos. Back then none here found something wrong with this. While the old troll-farts here kept feeding themselfes and their disease, I was only the arrogant new one, trying to show off. Thank god these psychos are gone meanwhile. My infamous name is still left. Meanwhile I rarely visit the forum, while I still try to help here and there, when I’m able to. But as soon as I post anything else but technical help, I’m only “the flamer” again and discussions start over again. One of the reasons, why I’m rarely here.

The only thing you really know about me is, I’m someone naming things straight. That’s normally just called “telling the truth”. And if some people can’t handle the simple truth, that’s these people’s lack, not mine. So give me a break from things like “it’s pretty clear to me (and others, I’m sure)…”, “I’m pretty sure…” or similar assumptions and stop telling me, what I’m thinking, because this is your personal phantasy only. You most obviously don’t know fucking anything about me.

That’s your reasoning and legitimation for calling someone an asshole? Being human, being an active member, speaking your mind and stuff like that. Calling someone an asshole by you is okay, but replying on a topic without a single insulting word by me is not, because it’s condescending? Man, are you some special kind of human? Did I miss something? Am I a dead pole or what makes the difference between you and me? I’d say: CHECK YOURSELF FIRST, before you try to teach others! It seems you’ve got the way worse manners and don’t even notice it. And get a handle on the idea you’d know anything about other peoples intentions.

DISCUSSION ENDS HERE FOR ME, self-righteous Mr. Zero-Self-Awareness.

I didn’t actually call anyone in particular an asshole. I simply addressed everyone that replied to this thread, and said that the act of trying to belittle a user who is only trying to help others makes you look like an asshole.

So if you’re offended about being called an asshole, then logically you must be admitting to intentionally trying to ridicule rhowaldt and make him look stupid for posting his tip?

If that’s true, then yes, my comments were directed at you, asshole. If that’s not true, then you’ve got nothing to be concerned about, have you?

KTHXBYE. :D Nothing personal at all. :) Peace! :guitar:


PS: I’m an admin so powerful I removed any indication that I am one so I can post however I feel like it and troll whoever the fuck I want.


PS: Fun tip rhowaldt. Don’t let them bring you down.


Can I have a consolation prize? I’m here now! :)

Since a locked thread is imminent, i’m going down guns blazing.

My contribution:

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  • g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x *
    g g
    o / \ \ / \ o
    a| | \ | | a
    t| . | | : t s | | | | s
    e \ | / / \\ –__ \ : e
    x \ / _–~~ ~–__| \ | x
  • \ -~ ~-\ | *
    g _ \ .--------.| | g
    o \ // _ ___ _ ((> \ | o
    a \ . C ) ______ ((
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    t /\ | C ____)/ \ (
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  • | \ ____) `---- --’ | *
    g | _ __\ / / | g
    o | / | | \ | o
    a | | / \ \ | a
    t | / / | | \ |t
    s | / / /
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    e | / | | | |e
    x | | | | | |x
  • g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x *

@dblue & danoise & Conner: thanks, for saying it all and for appreciating the simple, basic, useful tip i posted.

@Bit_Arts: i do not know about your history here on the forums, i’m sure i wasn’t here yet when all that stuff happened, and it sounds to me like you were treated badly (i wasn’t there, so i’ll take your word for it). you have posted many excellent tips and tricks here on the forums, way more complex than the one i posted here, and really, thanks for that, because i’ve used many of your tips and tricks in the past.

This thread is an excellent example of the principle that the length and intensity of an Internet argument is inversely proportional to its significance.

Well, you could also simply stop earlier instead of trying to have the last word.
I don’t mind people trying to make fun of eachother here or giving strong criticism, but ofcourse there always is a limit somewhere and everybody has some generic common sense of where that limit is (usually when the made point is clear enough).
The sooner that you quit responding using the road you stepped into, the sooner the irritation stops or turns into a worse emotion.

For me, DSP and sound design are the most obscure topics when it comes to create electronic music.

I don’t see the point of making fun of someone who try to improve the knowledge base of the forum (Renoise help is IMHO not being exhaustive on that topic) even if it’s not an ‘elite’ tip …