Machine View Like Buzz Tracker?

This is awesome. If canvas were added I would make this. Although I would make the meta cables connect to exactly the parameter then if it’s shown in mixer view (preferably). It could be a layover for current track. Oh and I’d make the faders just like normal but indeed show I/O at the same time (another wish expressed by many indeed).
Cool work!!

Because this is all gonna take a lot of time before something like this will be implemented (no disrespect intended), I’ve made a little beta tool so one can at least route meta (CV) signals using keyboard. link!

Here’s a different version, I don’t know if it works or not visually, I’ve not really evaluated it. I’m off to do some pattern zooming mock ups, and if I have time, I’ll test out the new tool.

00.1 your mockup is amazing!

cas’ routing tool is a good step in that direction, something like this would be amazing to use.