i think transport/sync information (beat/bar/bpm), midi note data and audio streams are about the full extent of it. remember that you can use renoise as host (where you pipe audio from max/msp to renoise) or slave (where you pipe audio from renoise into max/msp). note that with renoise as host, you can still control sync data from the max/msp slave using hostsync~. as for your second question 2… i’m not sure, you may need to play around to find out if that is possible, but i’d suggest looking at objects like hostsync~ and test them out, see if you can do what you want to. http://www.cycling74.com/docs/max5/refpages/msp-ref/hostsync~.html
So, it seems to be a question of whether ‘common transport functions’ can be accessed using Max/MSP, and whether Renoise also supports the above functionality?
yes, you are correct i think. i never got that far into transport functionality with what i did, so you may find its fully or partly functional depending on renoise. perhaps someone else can give you more detail on this… or test it out and see?
1- Rewire works fine, MIDI works fine you might need MIDI-Yoke if you use windows.
2- Length of a song: no idea, Currently playing pattern: here’s how I’d do it: